Need to lose about 10 more

I am 5'8" and I am currently hovering/plateau around 170/171 lbs...I am trying to get down to 160 lbs, but I can't seem to get below the 170 lb mark, can anyone give me some tips or help on how to get the next 10 lbs off. Thanks a lot for any suggestions you may have :).


  • wattsy84
    wattsy84 Posts: 123
    I'm in the same boat mate,5"10 and hovering on 163lbs trying to get down to 150lbs but just stuck!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    what is your %BF right now?

    The last few pounds are the worst. Losing them without losing a lot of muscle takes forever and careful planning. Eat a ton of protein, lift heavy, cut your deficit back to 250 calories or less, and limit cardio. It can also help, if you have been on a calorie deficit for a while, to take a weekend off and eat a little above maintenance, then get back to business that next Monday.
  • eppy033
    eppy033 Posts: 8 Member
    My BF is sitting around 17% atm, just can't seem to get over this hump, it really is getting frustrating, but I am trying to get it off by April 26th