No weight loss in 8 months, kind of freaking out

Hello friends,
So, I'm proud to say that last week, I hit my 365 day mark on My Fitness Pal - hoorah! In that year, I've been able to lose between 10-15 lbs (depending on the day). Not a huge loss but I was only 20 lbs away from reaching my goal.
My weight loss journey has been a LONG one. I had been chubbers from the age of 10 until just a couple years ago (I'm 29 now). I've always been somewhat active, but my problem is with food and alcohol (too much of it). I went to a party school (Ohio State) and then moved to NYC where pizza and "just one more drink" was common at 3 a.m. Even with yoga and working out at the gym, somewhere around college and NYC my weight crept up to 178 lbs. Hey, it happens. After buying a scale, it wasn't hard to get back to my "normal" 165 by cutting back a bit.

Then I moved back to the Midwest and decided to get a steady gym membership, pack my lunches, etc. It's taken me now four years to lose 40 lbs. I have been at a plateau since JUNE and I'm starting to freak out.

Before I begin, some quick stats for you:
Highest weight (2005): 178 lbs
Weight most of my adult life: 165
Weight now: Had been around 123. Today, 128 (UGH). Lowest EVER 120, but that was after a 3-day juice fast.

I am 5'5" tall on a good day. I am and have always been small boned. I have a friend who is the same height and actually a few pounds more than me, everyone thinks she is too skinny - I have never heard that about myself (not even from my mother. OK from my mother but that's cos I look my age now which makes her look older I guess, teehee. Love you, mom, but I'm not going back to fat.) I feel stronger than ever and just the other day, I did FOUR PUSHUPS! (From not being able to do any!)

Now, I *KNOW* I am in my healthy weight range and I do not need to lose any more weight. I want to get in the best shape of my life. It's somewhat hard to explain, but I'm soon going to be transitioning into married life, and an independent fool like me, who has worked SO HARD for my body - though nowhere near perfect - I am absolutely terrified I'm gonna get hitched and lose control again (because, remember, my issue is with food and alcohol, and too much of it. Even too much of healthy is no longer that healthy!). But even before that, back to "married life," I'ma get married in less than 3 months and now is not the time for me to bullsh*t - I have got to do this now. But the thing is, I thought I was!

So why the plateau? My goal is to be 117 lbs for my wedding, and after my Paris honeymoon where I will indulge in loaves of bread and wheels of cheese, I'd be overjoyed to maintain at 120. Until then...

I work out every single day doing cardio, which I alternate as 45-50 mins of elliptical, stationary bike or spinning. Plus I have integrated some Jillian Michaels yoga and just five days ago I began the 30 day shred in place of strength training at the gym. I just got a heart rate monitor last month to keep track of my burns. Today I weigh 128 lbs, and I have not been 128 lbs since April 2012 (6 weeks after I joined MFP). I've been pretty steady at 123, like I said, until just recently. My measurements have not fluctuated either. I have a desk job and am victim to snacking at my desk (especially while wedding planning- so stressed lately!).

I typically eat around 1400-1600 calories a day except on the weekend I go over, closer to 1800-2000. I'm not ready yet to eat more I don't think, just given the timing (I'm being fitted for a wedding dress that was already made bigger, and I cannot afford under any circumstance to GAIN weight, lest I will not have a wedding dress.). I try to get include protein at every meal. I don't cheat when I track (I just opened my diary). And I'm a pescatarian who tries to mind her carbs but that can be difficult...

So, I ask you, dear fellow MFPers, do you have any advice for me to stop this gain, break this plateau, and start seeing the results I feel like with this amount of effort I should be seeing? Or is it that I'm not putting in enough effort? One thing, too, I forgot to mention is that I recently injured my knee (nothing too bad, seeing the doc a week from today), so I may have to ease up on the working out for a little bit.

Ok, sorry for the novel. The weight gain this morning kind of woke me up and made me panic, though I'm hopeful it's temporary bloat or water weight whathaveyou. What kept me FROM panicking, however, was thinking back to the day just last year, when this weight was an accomplishment and not a setback. Must stay positive! This isn't a fad, this is my way of my life. But I'm too close to not meet my goal, or at least that's how I'm feeling...

Thank you all!


  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Honestly, you look extraordinarily thin. In your pic, I can clearly see the bones in your chest and your hands. Where are you hoping these last few pounds will come from? I 'm not trying to be critical, I dream of numbers like 128 and 120. But I know the only way for me to get there would be to lose all my curves, and I'm kinda partial to my t&a, as is my husband.

    Your diary looks really good to me, except for the protein. If you're going to lose any more fat, you might need to come closer to your protein goal. You could add some whey or hemp protein to your daily yogurt or add some extra fish in there somewhere. Brava to you and your success. You are gorgeous. Just remember that it's not the numbers on the scale that matter at this point, it's all about how you feel and being as healthy as possible.
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    Honestly, you look extraordinarily thin. In your pic, I can clearly see the bones in your chest and your hands. Where are you hoping these last few pounds will come from? I 'm not trying to be critical, I dream of numbers like 128 and 120. But I know the only way for me to get there would be to lose all my curves, and I'm kinda partial to my t&a, as is my husband.

    Your diary looks really good to me, except for the protein. If you're going to lose any more fat, you might need to come closer to your protein goal. You could add some whey or hemp protein to your daily yogurt or add some extra fish in there somewhere. Brava to you and your success. You are gorgeous. Just remember that it's not the numbers on the scale that matter at this point, it's all about how you feel and being as healthy as possible.

    Thank you for your input! I will never lose my curves, that's for sure! I probably should have mentioned I'm quite the pear when it comes to my shape, here might be a more realistic photo (this dress is obviously too small!):


    I think you have a point there- more protein. i struggle with that, I changed my macro levels on here to try to get more. Since I don't eat meat and beans are bloaty (and Lord knows I need no more fiber), I'm not sure what else to do. I just ate an egg by the way :) Congrats to you too!!
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member

    Curses! Let's try that again.
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    Good grief woman, you are stunning!! And the dress looks amazing on you-you'd be swimming in a larger size! But I get it, when we're so used to looking at our bodies and focussing on the bits we don't like, it seems like the hardest thing to actually see ourselves as acceptable, let alone beautiful. But enough fawning over your gorgeousness...

    As for non-animal protein, I would suggest maybe another serving or two of the greek yogurt. Peanuts and almonds are pretty high in protein as well. It looked like you generally had some leftover kcal each day, so adding some nuts shouldn't be harmful. Oooh! and quinoa. I know it's a grain, and for some people (me) that's pretty scary, but it's chock full of fiber and has decent protein. The other thing I would suggest you try is to cut down the cardio to two or three days a week instead of 7 and and alternate with strength training. Seriously.

    But my very best advice to you is to try and start to relax a little! You have worked hard and deserve to enjoy your new body at least a little. Don't let the food and the exercise take over your life. I'm not saying quit, just start to ease off; find your happy medium with food and exercise so you can enjoy the life you're building in a body you like. Or like better than your old one.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    When I stalled for 2 months, I changed my exercise routine and I lost again. My body was just way too use to the exercising I was doing, I guess. Got down to 118lbs from 156 in a year and a half. Those last 10 are a pain in the butt to lose.
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    Good grief woman, you are stunning!! And the dress looks amazing on you-you'd be swimming in a larger size! But I get it, when we're so used to looking at our bodies and focussing on the bits we don't like, it seems like the hardest thing to actually see ourselves as acceptable, let alone beautiful. But enough fawning over your gorgeousness...

    As for non-animal protein, I would suggest maybe another serving or two of the greek yogurt. Peanuts and almonds are pretty high in protein as well. It looked like you generally had some leftover kcal each day, so adding some nuts shouldn't be harmful. Oooh! and quinoa. I know it's a grain, and for some people (me) that's pretty scary, but it's chock full of fiber and has decent protein. The other thing I would suggest you try is to cut down the cardio to two or three days a week instead of 7 and and alternate with strength training. Seriously.

    But my very best advice to you is to try and start to relax a little! You have worked hard and deserve to enjoy your new body at least a little. Don't let the food and the exercise take over your life. I'm not saying quit, just start to ease off; find your happy medium with food and exercise so you can enjoy the life you're building in a body you like. Or like better than your old one.

    Wow, thank you! Haha. I look so grumpy in that picture (I was NOT happy about having to wear a skintight dress as a bridesmaid dress!), so that means a lot. I also love your advice about accepting and loving one's self. I think that actually helps in a weight loss journey or fitness transformation. I never embarked on this because I "hated the way I looked" - in fact, because I was chubby all my life, it was all I knew, I accepted it. Until I didn't anymore - there's a difference between accepting and believing. I accepted being overweight but I didn't believe that was the way I *had* to be. It wasn't healthy for me to be overweight, and I felt like I was throwing my life away and not able to experience things - like the beach - when I should be, especially at such a young age. We all should be! Don't get me wrong, there are more important things in life than looking good in a bathing suit. We all have our things. Public speaking is really OK for me, but going to the beach is not, for example. I'm certainly still a work in progress in many more ways that one. But I agree, we are totally our own worst critics. I feel like now more than ever I'm so close to my "goal" (and who knows, maybe it's NOT 117 lbs, in fact, I believe I'll just know I've reached it whatever it is when I get there).

    I have always wanted to try quinoa! My big problem with food is quantity- I may look small now but I am telling you I can EAT. A LOT. With something like quinoa I know I can't eat a lot of it so maybe that's why I've tried to steer clear.

    Just out of curiosity, because this isn't the first time I'm seeing this, why do you say cut down on cardio? Cardio helped get lose weight and maintain it, or so I thought, so I'm curious!

    And yes, I definitely need to relax. I know. Sigh. I think after the stress of my wedding is over I can enjoy the honeymoon period- LITERALLY! :)
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    YOU DO LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quit beating yourself up. Everyone tells me that Muscle weighs more and with the amount of work you do then perhaps you are just firming up? I KNOW what it's like too gain...

    I do not know the WHY but since you look great and feel great and are still exercising and eating Healthy for the most part then go with that..... Perhaps you will gain no more. Perhaps you are just stabelizing for what will be a nomal weight for you. I truly wish you luck in NOT GAINING and hope you find your answers as I STILL TRY too find my own...
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    When I stalled for 2 months, I changed my exercise routine and I lost again. My body was just way too use to the exercising I was doing, I guess. Got down to 118lbs from 156 in a year and a half. Those last 10 are a pain in the butt to lose.

    CONGRATS! How did you switch up your routine? More cardio? More strength? Less? Or just different?
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    More strength. Cardio can only get you so far. Strength firms you up.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    CONGRATS! How did you switch up your routine? More cardio? More strength? Less? Or just different?

    At the time I was doing insanity, then when I stalled I went to 30 day shred 1 round, and then to body revolution. It started dropping off the second week of shred. Now, I'm just maintaining. I went with some strength and gained 5lbs in 3 days so I am probably dropping that and just will stay with what I'm doing and tone up.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    i would switch to strength training 3 times a week. You may not see the number on the scale go down, but that scale is a stupid son of a b!tch. Start taking measurments to determine progress instead. Lift, lift, lift! and steer clear of the barbie weights. Find something HEAVY, pick it up, put it down... repeat.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Honestly at this point, you should focus on body composition, not weight loss. That really seems to be more of the issue IMHO. You look to already be at a healthy body weight and BF% from you pictures. When you're already at a healthy weight, your body isn't going to respond well to dieting and isn't going to let go of the fat.

    Definitely time to put much more focus on strength training for body this point, I don't think the cardio and dieting are going to get you where you want to be.
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    OK, awesome! I just started the 30 day shred, which for now is challenging in terms of strength training for me because it's consistent.

    I think it's easier for me too at this point to change up my workouts than my eating, which is kind of a relief (unless you say otherwise!). I feel like I can't possibly eat less, too scared to eat more right now. Different would be OK. But strength sounds like the way! I know you can't spot-reduce but my tummy and hip and back - ok my midsection - are harder to budge. I heard even spinning helps with that, but alas I hurt my knee doing it :(

    Thank you again!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    CONGRATS! How did you switch up your routine? More cardio? More strength? Less? Or just different?

    At the time I was doing insanity, then when I stalled I went to 30 day shred 1 round, and then to body revolution. It started dropping off the second week of shred. Now, I'm just maintaining. I went with some strength and gained 5lbs in 3 days so I am probably dropping that and just will stay with what I'm doing and tone up.

    That 3 Lbs is're worried more about water weight than building your strength and body composition? That's just about ridiculous.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I think you've allowed yourself to get too fixated on a specific number on the scale. Who decided that was the perfect number for you?!??! And why let it control your life and get you down?!??! You look great and you've accomplished a lot. I get it, you still would like to see some more changes in your body. What you need to focus on now is body composition not weight loss. It's time to hits the weights and hit them hard and heavy. And eat a lot of protein!
  • reenasamaan
    reenasamaan Posts: 66 Member
    Honestly at this point, you should focus on body composition, not weight loss. That really seems to be more of the issue IMHO. You look to already be at a healthy body weight and BF% from you pictures. When you're already at a healthy weight, your body isn't going to respond well to dieting and isn't going to let go of the fat.

    Definitely time to put much more focus on strength training for body this point, I don't think the cardio and dieting are going to get you where you want to be.

    I think after 8 months now you're probably right. I've learned, too, with my HRM that I'm actually burning less in my cardio routine than I thought anyway. i'm getting pretty efficient. Not a bad thing but like you said, I probably don't need to be doing as much as I have been.

    I didn't mention this, but I did get a skinfold caliper maybe 6 weeks ago. I used two of the methods it said I could try - one had me measure on five different spots on my body - my body fat was 25%. The other had me measure on only two spots - my body fat was 21%. So I guess I'll just say 23%? :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I agree about strength training. is a great resource. You answer some questions about your goal, and the site will generate workout options for you. Choose one and everything will be all laid out for you. I'm following the Jamie Eason right now, and let me tell you - it's kicking my butt in a good way.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I'm going to ditto the heavy lifting and quit looking at the scale.

    The time in my life when I wore the smallest size clothing and had a smokin' hot body was when I weighed the most--160 pounds. If you asked anyone what they thought I weighed, they would tell you ~125. It's because it was all muscle, and muscle makes you look good (and tiny).
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,792 Member
    evileen99... THANK YOU so much for that post...At least THAT makes me feel better about my own struggle with weight loss plateaus..
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I'm going to ditto the heavy lifting and quit looking at the scale.

    The time in my life when I wore the smallest size clothing and had a smokin' hot body was when I weighed the most--160 pounds. If you asked anyone what they thought I weighed, they would tell you ~125. It's because it was all muscle, and muscle makes you look good (and tiny).


    It's really hard to not let the scale dictate your happiness with your size, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. If it's being a smaller size or having firmer legs/abs/butt/whatever, do strength training and eat protein. If your end goal is really only about the number on the scale, then I don't really have any advice to get there because I have that problem, in that I don't know if I can get to my ultimate goal weight (but I'm ok with that if I can get to the BF% that I want to get to).

    I got married almost a year ago and I was in the same place you are, as far as being focused on fitting into my dress (I did), afraid of gaining weight after the wedding (I did...but only maybe 5 pounds and it's gone now) and I decided to focus on getting stronger AFTER the wedding. When I started lifting weights I was skeptical, but now it's like "why did I wait so long to start doing this?!" I don't weigh any less than I did when I got married (actually, I weigh exactly the same as I did a year ago), but my clothes fit much looser now than they did then so I must be doing something right.