Gluten-Free Folks - I apologize!

sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
I'm a pretty laid back person -- by this I mean I have a tendency to live and let live and not judge others if their thing is working for them. But I owe my gluten free friends an apology.

In the area where I live, gluten free has been circulating for some years. I work with a person who swears it cured her hyper-thyroid, my good friend lost a lot of weight going gluten-free and now even his wife and little boys are GF. And these good people have been trying to advise me for some time that the itchy bumps on my elbows could be a sign. I'd nod and smile and secretly ignore all the advice.

But now that I've gone LCHF (low carb high fat), the bumps have disappeared! It wasn't an egg allergy because I'm eating eggs nearly every day. It wasn't dairy, because I'm drinking cream in my coffee and eating cheese for snacks. It wasn't peanuts, because nuts are now a staple of my diet. it must have been the wheat!

Other "side effects" that are disappearing: I'm sleeping through the night without waking, I have less sinus congestion, my inner ears stopped itching, my facial skin is soft and blemish-free.

Sorry GF friends -- I secretly did think you were a little crazy, but I was wrong!


  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I can relate! I'm G-F under doctor supervision. We know I don't have celiacs but we're trying this to see if the symptoms I've been experiencing for years will be better!

    Let me add some other symptoms that have improved. Joints in the hands and feet feel better. Most (not all, but most) of the swelling in my ankles is gone. All over joint pain and achey feelings are better. GI upset is much, much better!

    I'm not doing this to aid in my quest of being smaller. I'm G-F to aid in my quest for better health and fitness. I want to feel good!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm a pretty laid back person -- by this I mean I have a tendency to live and let live and not judge others if their thing is working for them. But I owe my gluten free friends an apology.

    In the area where I live, gluten free has been circulating for some years. I work with a person who swears it cured her hyper-thyroid, my good friend lost a lot of weight going gluten-free and now even his wife and little boys are GF. And these good people have been trying to advise me for some time that the itchy bumps on my elbows could be a sign. I'd nod and smile and secretly ignore all the advice.

    But now that I've gone LCHF (low carb high fat), the bumps have disappeared! It wasn't an egg allergy because I'm eating eggs nearly every day. It wasn't dairy, because I'm drinking cream in my coffee and eating cheese for snacks. It wasn't peanuts, because nuts are now a staple of my diet. it must have been the wheat!

    Other "side effects" that are disappearing: I'm sleeping through the night without waking, I have less sinus congestion, my inner ears stopped itching, my facial skin is soft and blemish-free.

    Sorry GF friends -- I secretly did think you were a little crazy, but I was wrong!
    I'm glad you've cleared up a problem. Cheers.
    How do you know you were wrong? There are many confounding elements in a changed diet.
    That's why good studies have controls and many more subjects.