Hello there(:

Hello there! My name is Megan, I am 20 years old and I've struggled with weight my entire life. My problem is I love food. Right now I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I joined MFP last Monday and that's when I started my journey for a healthier lifestyle. I'm not just in this to lose some weight, no, I want to change my life. Feel good about myself. My shallow goal to keep me motivated is that next year I am going to Hawaii for my 21st birthday. My starting weight was 242.3 and when I did my weekly weigh in I was at 233.2; already dropped 9.1 lbs!! I know the first week is mostly water weight and such but to see that number gave me hope that I can actually DO this! It's only about a tenth of the weight I want to lose, but we all start somewhere. I am also using a Body Media armband to help me in my journey. (http://www.bodymedia.com/) Further along in my journey I will post progress pictures and along the way I will probably ask questions. Encouragement is always welcome!

And for those of you who want to know:
Height: 5'4"
SW: 242.2
CW: 233.2
GW: 145