Emotional Day - Ugh

Hello everyone. I started my healthy eating one week ago. Ive lost 5 lbs (Herbalife shakes) and one colorful healthy meal per day. Anyway - Im not doing to shakes long term just needed something to get my food addiction under control. The shakes helped me to stop obsessing over meal planning & got me off the fast food & processed. Havent had soda, fast food or chips in 7 days....

I am seriously addicted to food and eating. Today I felt completely overwhelmed at work & usually I will eat to stuff my feelings - well now Im forced to deal with my emotions if I ever want to lose this weight.

Anyone else dealt with emotional eating & food addiction. I didnt realize how deep rooted this was for me...:sad:


  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    I think a lot of us can relate to something like this. Food centers around so much, even most of our holidays, its no wonder we have emotions associated with eating. Don't be too hard on yourself.
    It's probably like any other addiction, find something else to replace your vice when you feel anxiety setting in. A healthy one hopefully.
    Some people find running relaxing, as exercise releases endorphins and makes you feel less stressed out.

    i know what you mean about planning meals, i used to get really fixated on it. i still plan meals, but a lot of it is just thinking about it differently. This place is great to get support and get ideas from creative people.
    Feel free to add me if you want to, I'd love to have more pals.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Just be on the watch out for over-restriction. Create a cheat meal once a week, or allow some calories every day for a little bit of junk food - something that won't make you feel like you are white knuckling your way through healthy eating. It takes learning, yes, but it doesn't have to be a punishing experience.
  • Dawn4511
    Dawn4511 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh yeah it's a daily struggle. I'm trying to keep busy and journal to realize exactly what is going on