Bikini Competition advice

So I plan on competing this july in bikini. and as of right now I am about 20 weeks out and just trying to build more muscle. I do not have a personal trainer but i think Ive researched enough to know the gipse of it. I was wondering if anyone knows when I should start cutting for comp.. should I start like two months out?? and Ive read that the cutting diet usually consist of chicken, protein shakes, sweet potatoe, and broccoli and asparagus... is that correct I also heard eggs are put into the diet as well but i cannot eat them since they make me really sick.


  • absr265
    absr265 Posts: 1
    What is your body fat percentage at the moment, and what is your body shape (ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph). Not every body type will train and eat the same way. What is your current body weight?