Psychological Milestone Reached!

fivefatcats Posts: 368
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I hit a plateau from March 1st to about April 5th or so where I lost no weight. I have been running three days a week for 6 months and just added some 20-30 minute DVD workouts or weight training to my non-running days.

I should also mention that I am one of those people who weigh themselves several times a day (am, after eating, after workout, before bed, etc).

After being in the plateau for about 3 weeks I was so frustrated I just called my sis and cried and whined.

Then I joined a 30-day shred challenge on MFP and traded my obsessive weighing for once a week.

The psychological milestone I reached is that THE REASON THE NUMBERS ON THE SCALE DON'T MATTER IS THAT EVEN ONCE I REACH MY GOAL, MY LIFE WILL BE EXACTLY THE SAME. That means that I must/will continue to exercise and eat right regardless of whether I weigh 180 or 150 or 130.

This is my (new) life. Proper diet and exercise are part of it and it won't stop just because I reached some imaginary number on the scale.

Welcome to my new life!


  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    I was on a 6 week plateau from about mid-january until the beginning of march, so I know what you mean. When I finally reached the point you're at, where the numbers don't matter, the weight started peeling off again. Just so you know, when I started the 30 day Shred, the weight was really sticking. But I could feel my body getting stronger and see some definition to my muscles, so I knew it had to be doing some good. I think getting over that stress is what really helped. Stress takes an awesome toll on your body, and can definitely hinder weight loss and that includes physical stress like the new exercise you've incorporated. Congrats on reaching that milestone of "this is me" no matter the numbers. I hope you stick with it and see some more progress in the next couple of weeks!
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