help please? confused...

Ok. Getting right to the point. I started at mfp new year. They said 1200 cals/day to reach goal weight. I gained weight. Feb 1 went to 1750/day. Not loosing. Not gaining. Good but I want better. So how many cals should I be eating?

Bmi 33.6
Body fat 51.5%
Bmr: 1731 harris benedict
1332 katch mcardle

Please help me!!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    As much as I'd love to say go with the bigger number, I think the Katch McArdle formula for finding BMR is more accurate, as it takes into account your lean body mass, and Harris Benedict doesn't.

    What's your activity level like? Job? Exercise type and how many hours/days per week?
  • I'm a mother to a toddler, yet with the weather yucky.... no I can't blame it on weather. I'm pretty much a couch potatoe. Small bits of exercise, nothing to really do anything in my opinion. When I'm able to get into town I get lots of exercise, but that doesnt happen very often
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    So probably sedentary for your activity level?

    I ran your numbers, stuck with the K-M BMR of 1342.

    Your TDEE at
    sedentary is 2077 minus 20% = 1661
    lightly active is 2380 minus 20% = 1904

    So since you've neither lost nor gained at 1750, I would say drop down to 1661 (or round it to 1650 if you want, I like round numbers :tongue: ), and eat to goal. If you exercise, you could log it and eat exercise cals back, since this is for the sedentary setting. Try it for 4-6 weeks and see how it goes!
  • Thanks. I was thinking of droping it but with all the different numbers I wasn't sure how far to go. Will definently start at 1650 tomorrow and see how it goes....:-)