Back FAT

Okay so I have been doing my weight loss journey for about two months now and I have lost about 35lbs currently, so things are going pretty well. As far as working out i usually do cardio with a few weights here and there, but I am having the hardest time with back fat. Everything else seems to be slimming down but those lit pockets that most females collect right around the bra area. Someone please help.....If you know of any exercise tip or anything in general that would help get rid of my unwanted friends that would be great!


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Unfortunately, body fat is like unruly teenagers. It hangs out where it pleases, and if you try to get it out of there by force, you're the one that goes to jail.

    But no, long story short you can't spot reduce. Reducing overall body fat % will help you eliminate back fat. Doing exercises that are focused on the back can strengthen the muscles underneath, giving them a firmer relaxed state, but it will not burn adjacent fat more quickly.