Is HCG diet safe???



  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    When I heard about this, I didn't even bother looking into it. In my experience, things that sound too good to be true always are. So I definitely cannot answer if this is healthy for her or not!

    The thing that concerns me is that she cannot find it in herself to lose weight and get healthy the natural way. I understand why someone with a ton of weight to lose would feel that way but feeling that way with a BMI of 25?? To me, that suggests that she will not have it in her to maintain the weight loss once she stops this diet.
  • drp121274
    drp121274 Posts: 34 Member
    My best friend is on this, and swears by it. She eats healthier than she ever has, and has lost 20 pounds in 20 days. She hasn't had any side effects, and she has cheated. She tried talking me into doing it, but I can't drop my calories that far - I like food too much. When I complain about not losing weight, she reminds me that she is losing fat, and I am gaining muscle. Although we have the same goal of losing weight, we are approaching it two different ways. I will be very interested to see how she does after the shots. I am afraid that her eating habits will be unhealthy :(