Teaching a motorcycle class, how many calories you figger th

CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
Teaching my first motorcycle classes of the season this weekend.

The class is the "Motorcycle Safety Foundation - Basic Rider Course",,, aka the "MSF-BRC". This is a double class weekend. So here's how this goes.

Tonight (friday night) my partner and I will teach a 4 hour classroom session. We will have 24 students in a classroom session, going through material, watching some video training aids, asking & answering questions. How to operate the motorcycle, risk awareness & management, traffic strategy. Good stuff.

Then each day of the weekend we will do 2 range sessions. So saturday morning we arrive at the training site at 7am and break out 14 or 15 little 250cc motorcycles. Check 'em out, get the 12 students in the morning session signed in & geared up, hopefully start class 7:30-ish. Work with these guys about 5 hours, walking about 6 miles around the lot moving orange cones. Hopefully have those guys outta there by 12:30.

Grab a quick bite and get ready for the 12 students of the afternoon class. Hope to start 'em up around 1:00, do the same class, get 'em done 6'ish. Then put away all the wee bikes, lock the doors and GTFOuttaDodge 7'ish.

Sunday is pretty much the same, but with a riding test at the end of the riding session. If they pass they get their moto-licenses, so it's a little stressful for them. We do our best to keep it fun and light, but folks have a way of stressing. Most of them don't need to worry. If you pay attention and work at it a little and 'get' the skills we're teaching, then the test is easy. About 93% of my people pass their exam.

After the last sunday session we gas up the bikes and put them away and head for home. Partner and I each have about a 2 hour ride home, so it winds up being a 15 hour day.

Lot of work, lots of fun. I gotta say, the look on a 54yo lady's face when she ride a moto for the first time is better than priceless, one of the great joys of my life. The look on her 'experienced rider' husband's face when she gets a better test score than he did is even better. "She listened and learned to brake properly - you didn't - she rode better, sorry". :-)

So that's my weekend. It's a long couple days, and when I was heavy it was really REALLY hard on me. That's one of the reasons I googled "free calorie diary", found MFP and changed my life. So glad I did.

So - how many calories you figger this burns? :-P (I just log 4 hours of slow walking each day, and I guess that's probably pretty close).


  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    4 sounds about right. It sure sounds like a lot work.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    It is a lot of work, but a lot of fun and worth it.

    Nice sporty RD, did you take a BRC or Rider's Edge course? The pic I just put up is M and me on my old sporty, 23 years ago.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    That was in the 90's. I got it for mothers day the year I turned 40. Traded up to a 96 Dyna. Now I'm on a old softail.