Meal Replacement Shakes

Can anyone put this into plain English for me?
this is my current (only started this week) plan

Approx 1200-1300 calories per day usually burn around 300 cals per day at the gym (of an afternoon)
20 mins on the treadmill uphill
10 mins on the bikes
20- 30mins in weights

I am thinking about starting to take the below meal replacement for breakfast and lunch I have bought it just don't know what the results will be. This is what is says;

Women of all ages have long experienced the benefits of increased protein levels in their diet. Whether you have a demanding career, are a busy mum, an exercise guru or simply struggling with a hectic lifestyle, MUSASHI SLM protein range has a formula perfect for you. Increased protein intake assists your natural metabolism - helping you look and feel fantastic. MUSASHI SLM protein blends will help you maintain a healthy weight and also provide high protein levels essential for maintenance of hair, skin and nails. With increased energy levels your favourite SLM protein formula will have you feeling fit and fabulous.

SLM Protein Blend “Meal Replacement Formula” contains a blend of four quality protein sources, short and long chain carbohydrates along with a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Formulated with “balance” in mind, the nutritional breakdown of this formula is perfect for use as a meal replacement when time is not on your side. Contains a blend of carbohydrate and protein to help sustain energy and satiety levels throughout the day. Whilst the addition of adequate levels of vitamins and minerals assists you to meet your daily micronutrient requirements.


  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    They appear to be describing a chicken salad sandwich.
  • Amazing1985RSD
    It sounds like a sales ad to me!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    It's not a magic potion.

    However, I do think they have their place - when for some reason, you cannot physically eat something Solid, for example because of nausea due to meds, dental work, when for whatever reason, the alternative would be nothing at all.

    The rest of the time, their place is in the bin.