

  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Single Vodka + diet coke = 56cals.

    I normally have around 8 on a night out, which is just under 500cals. When I know I'm going out, I burn 500 cals at the gym, and don't eat it back.
  • Technoboggan
    I found this interesting comparison chart of the calories in alcohol. My drink of choice, when I am dieting, is Rum and Diet Coke, which is between 100 and 125 calories for a single (1.5 ounces of alcohol and none for the diet soda). Unfortunately, I've got a reputation as an expert jello and pudding shot maker in our party crowd, and those are way more caloric.
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    i drink a glass of wine every once in a while. I usually cut it with sprite zero to lessen the sugar content and calories.

    so you'll make a "wine spritzer" over having a full glass of wine?
    wine's like 100-120 cals per can't cut 60 cals from your day to afford the other half glass?

    lol wine and sprite, welcome to 8th grade.
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    low calorie: vodka, tequila, any hard liquors on own or mixed with diet sodas/ SF mixers.

    soda water is low cal (i think zero actually), tonic water has cals,
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Wine should have NO calories. It has nothing to do with food, it should be free. In a perfect world.

    LOL sometimes I really don't think it does have any calories :-) wishful thinking I guess.
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    Drinking out is usually a problem for me because I LOVE margaritas and most restaruants do not have a low-cal substitute. I have learned to limit myself to 2 dirnks AND get an extra burn in when I know something like that is on the horizon.

    When I drink at home, I have a few go-to low or now cal mixers i use with vodka. Brings the calories down quite a bit.

    Vodka and Rasberry Green Tea Crystal Light or Appletini Crystal Light is my new fave.
  • neecie5
    neecie5 Posts: 9 Member
    A couple of weeks ago I was on a trip to CA to gather with friends and family for a reunion of sorts. I ended up enjoying everything, including alcohol, and just made sure to be aware of what I was doing (i.e. 2 cosmos=1,000 calories, but this is a very occasional thing). With wine in mind (I adore red), I'd say a 5 oz. glass every 2-3 days is fine, as long as you make sure you have healthy snack foods on hand, as alcohol lowers your inhibitions/judgment, so reach for the pop chips and veggies/fruit tray instead of the icecream and Cheetos. Hope this is helpful.
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Hello there!

    Great question! I have a pretty active social life and love to have a drink or two. Here is what works for me.

    1. I do not drink during the week. If I attend an event or go to dinner and want a glass of wine I skip my fruit for the day.
    2. Drink an EXTRA glass of water for each drink you consume.
    3. My skinny drink is blueberry vokda with crystal light lemonade. I now take it with me to BYOB events and have to make extra to share :) It's low carb and low calorie!
    4. I substite alcohol in place of fruit or I cut back on calories for the day.
    5. Not sure if reward is the right word but I do enjoy having it and always plan ahead.
    6. I would rather be healthy and eat clean but there is a time and place for everything, so with that being said, sometimes I do replace a snack or have a light meal so that I can indulge and not worry! Plus I drink a TON of water.

    Hope this helps!

    If you do drink, what do you drink?
    Is there such thing as a low calorie drink?
    Do you substitute alcohol for something else?
    Do you reward yourself with alcohol?
    Would you rather drink the calories than eat them?
  • dfonte
    dfonte Posts: 263 Member
    I have a bear almost every night while making dinner. It fits fine into my caller's for the day the only thing I mainly ever go red in is sugar but that's mainly fruit and not processed.:drinker:

    You must be ripped eating bear every night. Ha.

    Really, hard alcohol is still filled with calories but it takes you less to get drunk. Use calorie free mixers, or at least try to be healthy.
    For a quick drink, I use Fresca. Fresca somehow manages to mask any alcohol. Crystal light is good too.

    In the summer, I build food into my alcohol. I use about 7 frozen strawberries, 2 packs of sweet and low, 2 shots tequilla, 1 cup water. This is about 200 calories - but I'm getting fresh fruit. AND I most likely won't be downing these. If I do I'll fall asleep before I can drink too many anyways.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    If you do drink, what do you drink? Not often and sometimes whatever I want. Other times either a nice glass of moscato wine or captain and diet coke. Neither have too many calories

    Is there such thing as a low calorie drink? Yes the most of the calories are in the mixers

    Do you substitute alcohol for something else? no

    Do you reward yourself with alcohol? no

    Would you rather drink the calories than eat them? I always rather eat my calories but I'll "set some aside" if I know I'm having a night out
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I have 2-4 glasses of white wine a it good for you? No. Do I enjoy it? Immensly! I calculate them into my daily caloric goal- if I don't have wine then I'm under by a few hundred calories and it doesn't matter on one night. I AM trying to curb that however just because I know in the long run it will hinder weightloss. For the time being, as I try to make small changes that stay permanent I am keeping the wine!

    If you want low cal, vodka with soda water and a splash of cranberry...very low cal and gets the trick done. I have found beer to be the highest in calories (the good stuff anyway) and not worth the 200-300 calories for ONE drink.

    Best of luck! Moderation is key, but slow and steady wins the race!
  • Missellaneous02
    Missellaneous02 Posts: 70 Member
    My favorite drink of all time is a citrus vodka (smirnoff has the least calories I found so far) and SODA water. I'm not a fan of tonic water either, soda water taste's different. If I think the bartender is going to make it strong I ask them to throw a lemon wedge in it which covers up most of the booze taste. It's not super sugary so it's easy to drink and your hangover isn't as bad. This drink can be anywhere from 60 to 100 calories since the soda water is calorie free it really depends on which and how much vodka you use.
    Also I try to only drink on the weekends. BUT depending on how many calories I've eaten that day I might indulge in a nice beer once in a while on a weekday.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I don't drink very often. For me it doesn't fit into my health goals so I try to avoid it. I'm often the DD :( I like to drink more in the summer while being outdoors which works out good because I am usually more active then too. When I drink I drink club soda, a real squeezed lime wedge, and gin. There are no calories in the club soda, minimal in the lime juice, and I think like 70 something in a ounce in the gin. It may not be the lowest but there are no artifical sweetners in it either, which to me is important.

    My advice, drink if you like it, just consider and log it into your goals!
  • mk834
    mk834 Posts: 17 Member
    this is probably my biggest problem. i have a very active social life that involves a lot of drinking. i usually bank calories during the week and work out extra on the weekends to make room.

    i used to looooooove hoppy and dark microbrews, but have given them up because they are way too caloric. instead, i drink dry red wine (about 120 calories for 5 oz.) and jameson on the rocks (69 calories per ounce).
  • junkie_99
    junkie_99 Posts: 26
    1 beer, 137 calories. I burn that much on my way to the gym. now a 6 pack or a case would be a problem!
  • OgahpahBear
    I mainly limit my alcohol consumption to my cheat day. My preference is Jim Beam whiskey. Even then, I don't like any of the mixers or nonsence in my drink. Just pour it in a glass and add ice. Although, there are days that I just need a beer and at the end of the day, if it puts me over my caloric goal, so be it. Once in a while isn't going to affect the end result much at all. I think someone said, "moderation is key." I agree with that!
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    I have a daquri every so often. If the calories bother you, adjust your day to fit it in. Now, as for being bad for you, I've heard that a glass of red wine a day is good for the heart.
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    If you do drink, what do you drink? My go to drink is vodka with soda water and lime, or a splash of pomegranate or cranberry juice. If I'm feeling splurgy I'll have jack daniels honey whiskey on the rocks. Last night I had a hard cider which was a HUGE splurge since it was over 200 calories but was one of the rarer private reserves kind that I couldn't pass up. so tasty!
    Is there such thing as a low calorie drink? I think so, I use to drink vodka cranberries which was all sugar so now I use soda water and just a splash of juice for some flavor.
    Do you substitute alcohol for something else? no...alcohol is alcohol imo
    Do you reward yourself with alcohol? sort of, if I had a hard day or want to celebrate something but I still will only have one drink..and if its not in the house I'm usually too lazy to just go buy some
    Would you rather drink the calories than eat them? No, I love food!!

    I also make sure to drink extra water if I have a drink!! Especially at the bar! I'm more interested in hanging out and having fun then getting wasted so I'm happy to have something to sip on, even if its not alcohol.
  • iBreatheMusic88
    Now I just recently had a few drinks this past saturday... But what I did was limited my food for the day.. (ITS TERRIBLE BUT WHATEVER) But the thing with me is I Dance like the whole time I was at the club... So Im pretty sure I burned all of the calories I drunk... So I say as long as your not doing it every day, you should be fine. I literally havent drunk that much since November. I had an awesome nice, but that wont become a habit. lol
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    rum water and crystal light