New to myfitnesspal!

I am getting started on Monday April 19th, I am on a mission and could use all the support and advice I can get. I fell off the wagon after I had surgery in September and have rolled down hill from then. I am determined to get back with the program still have to loose 33 more pounds.


  • cuppycake22
    cuppycake22 Posts: 224
    Good Luck! This site will definitely get you back on the wagon...its addicting! Feel free to add me as a friend
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Keep your eyes on your goal. Drink tons of water. Exercise like crazy.....every day, rain or shine. Get a workout buddy and be accountable to each other. Burn more calories then you eat. Use MFP and log every day. I PROMISE you will lose. I just did it! I just lost 22 pounds since February 22nd. (I still have 5 or so to go) BUT IT'S DO-ABLE!! Go for it! Nothing feels better. Secret 1 tbs of ground cinnamon every day. It burns fat. Eat SMALL portions. Push yourself on your workouts. You should be wringing wet at the end of them. Good luck!