Looking for friends


My name is Danielle. I am a traveler, a French teacher, a wife, a trumpet player (currently mellophone with a drum corps), and a kid at heart. And I'm looking for some more MFP friends.

I started this fitness journey (in earnest) about three weeks ago. I still struggle (yesterday's food diary would definitely indicate this), but I'm determined to succeed! I've been doing Power 90 consistently. I often struggle with the motivation on Wednesdays (I have a late night every Tuesday because of a band I play trumpet in), but if I miss Wednesday, I always make up the workout on Thursday.

So far, results seem to be pretty good. I've lost about four pounds.Though that number has fluctuated a bit recently. I'm shooting for a lean 140 - 145. Ideally, I'd be at 130 - 135...but since I've been lifting three times per week, I'm building muscle and I know the scale might not reflect the overall change I've made.

Anyhoo, I'm looking for people who are reasonable in their approach - they are consistent and care about their results, but they don't beat themselves up with food guilt if they have a slip-up. I admit I struggle with food guilt. I know at times, it can be good and motivating, but at others it's a completely useless emotion.

I'm not looking for people who are hard-core about clean eating. I admit that sometimes I enjoy diet coke and splenda in my coffee and the occasional prepared frozen food item.

I also do not want people who have a disordered approach to weight management.

I look forward to talking to you folks and being encouraged!!!



  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    Salut comment sa va? pleasure to meet you, def would love to help you on yoru journey with motivation and tips. i as well been doing beach body prodcuts for teh past year now, started with p90 then did p90x and insanity now going back to p90x again. lost 40+ lbs since i started my journey and using beach body with my fitness pal to track what i eat.
    i def understand your concerns about people who are hard-core about clean eating. as long as you workout, eat right and moderate portion you can pretty much eat anything.

    will send you an invite and look foward to helping you on staying motivated

  • violinkeri
    violinkeri Posts: 212
    feeel free to add me! I like to think i'm pretty reasonable. i eat what i want, just portion control and i dont have a difficult time most days staying within calorie.