Who COULDN'T do lvl 1 of 30DS?

I've done 3 days of it now, and still can't get through it all.
I mean, i get through to the end, but have to take breathers and modify some of the exercises just to get through.
I totally have too heavy weights for some of the moves, which I know isn't helping, but I'm not buying more :laugh: because they're perfect, or even too light, for some of the other moves.

Anyway, I see so many people, who look in so much worse shape than me, say that its hard but they just forced themselves to do it and got through. And I'm wondering HOW?!?!
Those pushups at the start just kill me -and I'm doing modified ones! But I feel like I could do the chest flies and rows all day!

And who else has successfully completed it from such a position at the beginning?
Did you keep going with level 1 until you could get through easily, or still move on after 10 days?

After 30 days if you want to keep going, do you just keep repeating lvl 3 or go back to 1 and go through it all again?

Oh and the lunges (both side and forward) do my hips in, any suggestions of an alternative? ATM I just do squats instead.


  • aminswife
    aminswife Posts: 29 Member
    I'm having similar issue with Insanity...and all my life I've never been able to do those military style push ups from the toes...I've always to modifiy it to me knees, I have very little upper body strength. God I'm wrecked, just got through the first workout.
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    You are NOT alone. When I first did it, I had to do modifications on at least half of the moves and couldn't get through the cardio without stopping for a breather. You have to listen to your body, but also push yourself - those times you "need" a breather I bet you could push for a few more seconds. Just don't push to the point that you actually injure yourself. You will get there! I can do real pushups now after never having been able to do them - ever - in my life!
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    hahaha yeah I think I am pushing through as much as I can. Its at the point with the pushups where I feel like, ok, if I try another of these my arms are gonna give out half way up and I'm gonna bust my nose...
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    It gets a lot easier after day 4 and by 10 days you will be doing it with confidence, if not boredom. Just keep at, doing your best.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I just did it for the first time and was wondering if there is anyone else out there who just can't get their butt off the floor in the reverse crunches.
  • jb1164
    jb1164 Posts: 40 Member
    I can't get through it... I'm huffing and puffing, and after the first few times I couldn't raise my arms above my head, the next day! I don't have weights, instead I use a couple of tins of chickpeas... BUT, I'm sticking with it. I can only improve. My push-ups are laughable, and (to quote Shakira), these hips don't lie!

    Stay the course, notice how the times you have to stop reduce, and visualise your 'after' pics!

    You can do this...
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I couldn't! I followed the "easy" girl and adapted moves - all my push up moves were done on my knees. I took 5 sec breaks when I couldn't keep going. Some moves I only managed 3or 4 reps, but I just moved on when she did,and went up the levels after each 10 workouts (I was doing 5xweek). Level 2 was the hardest imo.

    I finished the shred and am soooo pleased I did it. Moved onto running, and can now run 5k. I'm doing insanity now and am in a similar position, adapt, rest,get back to it. I don't think I would be able to follow insanity if I hadn't done the shred first!

    I'm intending to do the 30DS again after insanity, hoping to follow the "difficult" girl and use bigger weights;)
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    I didn't have weights when I started and I think that worked out for the best: I did the first 3 - 4 days without weight and when I added it was able to do the workouts without feeling like they made things too much tougher.

    I did the same for the first couple days of L2 and am planning on it for L3 next week as well.

    I also switch weights depending on the exercise - because yeah, those chest flys are a piece of cake; I add weight for those but then for the V-flys at the end of L2, I swap out for my lightest weights, that move kills me every time.
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I didn't have weights when I started and I think that worked out for the best: I did the first 3 - 4 days without weight and when I added it was able to do the workouts without feeling like they made things too much tougher.

    I did the same for the first couple days of L2 and am planning on it for L3 next week as well.

    I also switch weights depending on the exercise - because yeah, those chest flys are a piece of cake; I add weight for those but then for the V-flys at the end of L2, I swap out for my lightest weights, that move kills me every time.

    I might try that this afternoon, no weights for the moves I'm finding hard.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I started 30ds 3x and got to dayb7 ~8 and gave up it just bores me to be honest just doesn't keep my brain engaged and cannot do it . the 1st 4 days are the worse then it got better, I'll give it another ago if for nothing else but a change in my routine.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm on my second round. Move on when you feel like moving on.Listen to your body.

    Your still getting a workout no matter how long it takes.

    And yes,it hurts and I swore at my tv on many occasions.
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    day 1 I gave up half way through and threw the remote at the tv in rage at myself
    day 2 I realised my bra wasnt holding up and spent all things that involved jumping just holding my boobs and not doing the arm work, I also took 2 10seconds breaks to gulp water and realised I was doing half the moves wrong when she did the 'NOT LIKE THIS' rant part
    today will be day 3 and I am determined to wear every tight top I have to hold the girls in place and get through it without ****ing up.
  • jennate2006
    jennate2006 Posts: 26 Member
    I am on Level One Day 6. Still having to catch a breather on the jumping jack jump rope part! The first day I had to stop often and yesterday I only stopped once. I can totally feel an improvement! Just keep at it:)
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    day 1 I gave up half way through and threw the remote at the tv in rage at myself
    day 2 I realised my bra wasnt holding up and spent all things that involved jumping just holding my boobs and not doing the arm work, I also took 2 10seconds breaks to gulp water and realised I was doing half the moves wrong when she did the 'NOT LIKE THIS' rant part
    today will be day 3 and I am determined to wear every tight top I have to hold the girls in place and get through it without ****ing up.

    I learned quickly to double up the sports bra! and I'm not huge on top!
  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I'm an A cup ATM so manage just fine just with a shelf singlet :blushing:

    Not that I could find a sports bra in my size, even if I wanted one :ohwell:
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    It gets a lot easier after day 4 and by 10 days you will be doing it with confidence, if not boredom. Just keep at, doing your best.

    This ^
    Just keep going!
  • kimmiedunne
    kimmiedunne Posts: 82 Member
    I couldn't do it easily when I first started it...but my endurance picked up within a few days and I was able to do it! It takes time - as any exercise to get used to! Good luck! Keep at it!
  • warbelton
    warbelton Posts: 8 Member
    Keep at it. You will be surprised how fast your endurance builds!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Keep going. You will be amazed how strong you will get.

    When I first started, I could barely do a regular push up on my knees.

    Now I can do multiple ONE LEGGED push ups all day long. It took me a year to get to that point, so don't quit!
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    day 1 I gave up half way through and threw the remote at the tv in rage at myself
    day 2 I realised my bra wasnt holding up and spent all things that involved jumping just holding my boobs and not doing the arm work, I also took 2 10seconds breaks to gulp water and realised I was doing half the moves wrong when she did the 'NOT LIKE THIS' rant part
    today will be day 3 and I am determined to wear every tight top I have to hold the girls in place and get through it without ****ing up.

    I learned quickly to double up the sports bra! and I'm not huge on top!

    I am 36GG I cant find a sports bra to fit right so just wear a normal bra with a size too small lycra sports vest over the top and pray