Food/Calorie Advice

I have been on this journey for about 30 days now and have lost a decent amount of weight (23lbs). I know that from experience that in the beginning this is normal. This is the first time I am counting calories to lose weight. I have tried just about every other diet drastic or not to lose weight. I feel like changing my lifestyle and counting calories is the way to go for me and I am enjoying it. I want to make sure I am doing it "right".

I have my calories set at 1300 right now and have macros set at 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein. After reading some posts on here and reading some articles online, I think I should be eating more?!? My issue is sometimes I find it hard to even eat the 1300 a day!

My food diary is public and I am hoping that some of you would be willing to look at my diary and maybe give me some advice how I could possibly up my calorie intake by looking at what I eat now and maybe give some advice on some healthy foods to fit in. I am constantly looking for other open diaries to stalk for

Thank you all for reading my much longer post than I intended!