Need input ~ Calorie Shifting? 1200 too low?

aedfit Posts: 65 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
H. I'm new to MFP this week and have some questions about calorie counts. I am looking to lose 19 lbs. The program set me at 1200 cals per day. Ther's so much mixed information out there these days but I'm wondering if 1200 cals is to little. I'm 144 now and want to get to 125. At my highest weight I was 190 about 10 years ago.

I've heard some chatter about calorie shifting, where you eat less for like three days and then on the 4th you eat way more calories than normal. Its supposed to keep your body guessing and metabolism active instead of getting adjusted to the same thing everyday.

Any thoughts on amount of cals per day or the calorie shifting would be great. Thanks!!!


  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    go to the tools section and check your BMR you should not go under that amount. (Hope that helped I know it can al get a bit confusing :huh:
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    That helps :smile: OK so the BMR tool says I need 1,312 per day. So I should up from 1,200 to that amount?
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    First, congrats on maintaining your weight loss!
    Since you only have 19 pounds left to lose, calorie intake can be tricky. Do you have your goal set to lose 2 pounds a week? If so, that might be a bit unrealistic, since your body wants to hang on to the few extra pounds you still want to lose. I've found that the last 15 or so pounds are the very hardest of all, and it's going to take some time.

    I have heard of this calorie shifting, but personally have never made an effort to do so on purpose although it happens naturally when I go over my calorie limit!:ohwell:
  • What did you select as your goal of losing each week? 1 lb or 2? Considering you do not have too much to lose, and you probably are already in the healthy bmi range, you probably want to aim to lose more slowly (which I know is frustrating, but is the best way to ensure the weight won't just reappear six months from now!) So see what your calorie count is if you select a slower rate of weight loss, and try going with that.

    I'm a big fan of calorie shifting, personally, but I know many on here won't really agree. If I eat the same net calories every day my body will not lose any weight. It just honestly won't! So some days I eat all my calories + my exercise calories, some days I only eat my calories and NO exercise calories, and once in awhile I go over my calories. I don't have a set cycle for it though, I just go with where life takes me! :smile:
  • DJH510
    DJH510 Posts: 114 Member
    This site stresses that it never gives you an amount thats too low, so if it says 1200 that should be fine. I was a similar weight to you when i decided to lose some more weight and 1200 worked a treat.
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    I would have to say for me I try not to do to far below my BMR and I do shift cals sometimes because you can get very stuck if you stay straight across the board all the time.. I do try not to go to much over my maintainace cals (you can figure that out my looking it up on line) As was said my the other wonderful people who have posted be sure to check the amount you are trying to loss each weeek because it needs to be reasonable and also because you do not have a bunch to loss it does get abit more challanging. I have about 16 left to go before I think I am where I want to be and I have been stuck since Feb 17:grumble: But play with the numbers and stick with it because it will work it just might take abit more time :flowerforyou:
  • My BMR is in the 1440 range--I'm not sure why so many people have 1200.

    I am also in a healthy BMI but would still like to drop the last 5-10 lbs. It's not moving so much. But I always eat my exercise calories, which can get me near 2000 sometimes.

    I think you should definitely stay above 1200 and I think allowing for natural ebbs and flows within a certain range sounds like a realistic and healthy approach to getting those last few off, or most of them. Being so close, I have no plans of really restricting myself down to the 1300's because I know that I can't keep that up long term.

    One thing about "cheat" days--it's not so easy to eat quite as much and make ridiculously bad choices. IME.
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. I never thought counting calories could be so confusing. I wish it would come off really fast but I know that I won't be able to maintain if it does. Guess it's time to stop always looking for the quick fix.
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