Body fat getting too low.

After losing over 115 lbs my maintenance is going well. I treat myself now and again and do quite a bit of walking and weight has been roughly the same for about 4 months or more now. Only problem is my body fat is getting scaringly lower than I would like. I started at 50% and am now around 14% and weigh 116lbs. . I must not be eating enough. So I am going to try 1400 cals weekdays and 2600 each weekend day. I prefer to indulge over the weekend. I am down as between lightly active and active so let's see how I go. I have been sticking to 1500 cals as my base an eat back all my extra exercise calories so some days over 2000 per day. Dunno why my fat is getting lower and lower. Weird.

I only walk as exercise now. Do you think I am overdoing it? I walk about 35 miles a week for recreation plus whatever during a normal day at work.


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    how are you measuring your body fat? some methods are more accurate than others, so it may be a little higher than that (so don't freak out about the number too much). But really, what you should go by is what you look like in the mirror. If you look in the mirror and think you look too thin, then probably the best thing is to lift some weights and eat a bit more, to increase your muscle mass a little and if you want to increase your body fat percentage a little, just eat more, and avoid cardio in the process (keep lifting weights as that will mean some of the weight gain is muscle, which will give you a fit/"toned" appearance.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    how are you measuring your body fat? some methods are more accurate than others, so it may be a little higher than that (so don't freak out about the number too much). But really, what you should go by is what you look like in the mirror. If you look in the mirror and think you look too thin, then probably the best thing is to lift some weights and eat a bit more, to increase your muscle mass a little and if you want to increase your body fat percentage a little, just eat more, and avoid cardio in the process (keep lifting weights as that will mean some of the weight gain is muscle, which will give you a fit/"toned" appearance.

    Thanks I used to seriously lift weights for 6 months last year doing stronglifts. Nrolfw etc but had to give up the gym due to finances. Can't really afford weights for home either plus don't have room.

    My body fat is using 2 different scales. These were the same scales that said I was nearly 50 % so I no they are not the true percentage but since I have used them since the start that's all I can compare with.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    how are you measuring your body fat? some methods are more accurate than others, so it may be a little higher than that (so don't freak out about the number too much). But really, what you should go by is what you look like in the mirror. If you look in the mirror and think you look too thin, then probably the best thing is to lift some weights and eat a bit more, to increase your muscle mass a little and if you want to increase your body fat percentage a little, just eat more, and avoid cardio in the process (keep lifting weights as that will mean some of the weight gain is muscle, which will give you a fit/"toned" appearance.

    Thanks I used to seriously lift weights for 6 months last year doing stronglifts. Nrolfw etc but had to give up the gym due to finances. Can't really afford weights for home either plus don't have room.

    My body fat is using 2 different scales. These were the same scales that said I was nearly 50 % so I no they are not the true percentage but since I have used them since the start that's all I can compare with.

    May I ask what your age is. It's easy to tell if a woman has too low of a body percentage because they lose their periods. I agree that you really shouldn't worry about your body fat being too low if its not accurate body fat measurement. Try to get your body fat percentage measured accurately (dexa scan, bod pod or hydrostatic test) that way you will know. Those scales like what you said are only good for reference.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Hello. I have recently turned 41. Unfortunately I don't have periods because I have a coil fitted.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Also what is your height? Are you underweight category in the BMI for being 116 lbs? Unless you are really muscular (elite athlete or body builder) or extremely thin your body fat is probably not 14%.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    1500 calories is not a maintenance amount. Even if you're eating 2600 on the weekends. If you're still losing, you aren't eating at maintenance. Up your calories, see what happens. You might gain a bit at first as your body adjusts. Give it a couple of months to even out.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Hello. I have recently turned 41. Unfortunately I don't have periods because I have a coil fitted.

    You mean Mirena IUD? How long have you been using the IUD?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    how are you measuring your body fat? some methods are more accurate than others, so it may be a little higher than that (so don't freak out about the number too much). But really, what you should go by is what you look like in the mirror. If you look in the mirror and think you look too thin, then probably the best thing is to lift some weights and eat a bit more, to increase your muscle mass a little and if you want to increase your body fat percentage a little, just eat more, and avoid cardio in the process (keep lifting weights as that will mean some of the weight gain is muscle, which will give you a fit/"toned" appearance.

    Thanks I used to seriously lift weights for 6 months last year doing stronglifts. Nrolfw etc but had to give up the gym due to finances. Can't really afford weights for home either plus don't have room.

    My body fat is using 2 different scales. These were the same scales that said I was nearly 50 % so I no they are not the true percentage but since I have used them since the start that's all I can compare with.

    they tend to be not all that accurate... but again, don't worry about the actual numbers, go by what you look like in the mirror. You can do bodyweight exercises at home, there are quite a lot on you tube if you don't want to buy an ebook programme ("you are your own gym" is the one that was recommended to me a while ago... I haven't bought it, but I might)
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I don't know ... I would see a doctor and nutritionist and discuss it with them. Do you feel like you still have a lot of energy? It could be that your extra muscles from lifting actually increased your baseline, and thus you actually do need to eat a bit more now.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I'm 5 ft 4 by the way.

    My weight isn't changing but my fat has gone down 3 or 4 percent. How can that be?

    Yes I have the mirena. Had it in for about 10 years now. I am also hypothyroid but still have high tsh so technically I should be putting weight on. I was diagnosed about 10 months ago whilst losing weight. Has no trouble losing weight with hypo which is contradictory to what people say.

    If it wasn't for my saggy skin on my legs arms and stomach I think I would probably look too thin. I think I may put 3 or 4 pounds back on if I still feel too thin. I must have at least 5 lbs of saggy skin so if this was removed I would technically be underweight. My weight has stayed pretty solid the last 4 months so surely I have been eating the right numbers. My fitbit helps me decide if I can eat more on certain days. Or sometimes I feel like eating a little extra anyway.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Get a real body fat % test done with calipers or dexa. Scales are unreliable at best.
  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I'm 5 ft 4 by the way.

    My weight isn't changing but my fat has gone down 3 or 4 percent. How can that be?

    Yes I have the mirena. Had it in for about 10 years now. I am also hypothyroid but still have high tsh so technically I should be putting weight on. I was diagnosed about 10 months ago whilst losing weight. Has no trouble losing weight with hypo which is contradictory to what people say.

    If it wasn't for my saggy skin on my legs arms and stomach I think I would probably look too thin. I think I may put 3 or 4 pounds back on if I still feel too thin. I must have at least 5 lbs of saggy skin so if this was removed I would technically be underweight. My weight has stayed pretty solid the last 4 months so surely I have been eating the right numbers. My fitbit helps me decide if I can eat more on certain days. Or sometimes I feel like eating a little extra anyway.

    I hope you are taking some thyroid medication to manage your thyroid. Anyway, I guess 116 is pretty thin for 5'4'' woman especially with the excess skin. You may want to gain a little bit more weight by weight training and building muscle. Don't worry too much about the body fat unless you got an accurate testing which shows you have 14% body fat. I'm assuming you had two mirenas in a row since mirena only last for 5 years. Take care.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am on thyroid meds.

    I have downloaded the your are your own gym app. Will give it a whirl since I do miss the weight training. It will hopefully make me feel a little better about my body. :-)
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    If you feel like you're getting too thin just eat more. I don't understand how this wouldn't be the first idea to pop into your head lol.
  • thomas127
    thomas127 Posts: 32
    If you feel like you're getting too thin just eat more. I don't understand how this wouldn't be the first idea to pop into your head lol.

    This. add condiments if you don't have the appetite.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    If you feel like you're getting too thin just eat more. I don't understand how this wouldn't be the first idea to pop into your head lol.

    I guess I am scared I will go back to my old habits. I seem to have good willpower but who knows when I start I may not stop :-)
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    1500 calories is not a maintenance amount. Even if you're eating 2600 on the weekends. If you're still losing, you aren't eating at maintenance. Up your calories, see what happens. You might gain a bit at first as your body adjusts. Give it a couple of months to even out.

    What makes you say that? At 5 4 and 110 lbs, age 45, 1250-1350 is actually my maintenance amount.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    1500 calories is not a maintenance amount. Even if you're eating 2600 on the weekends. If you're still losing, you aren't eating at maintenance. Up your calories, see what happens. You might gain a bit at first as your body adjusts. Give it a couple of months to even out.

    What makes you say that? At 5 4 and 110 lbs, age 45, 1250-1350 is actually my maintenance amount.

    Because at 5'0" 1200-1500 calories is what I am loosing weight on. OP is taller and trying to maintain her weight. Definitely needs to start eating more, but slowly increase daily calories. Approx 200calories extra per day.
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    1500 calories is not a maintenance amount. Even if you're eating 2600 on the weekends. If you're still losing, you aren't eating at maintenance. Up your calories, see what happens. You might gain a bit at first as your body adjusts. Give it a couple of months to even out.

    What makes you say that? At 5 4 and 110 lbs, age 45, 1250-1350 is actually my maintenance amount.

    Because at 5'0" 1200-1500 calories is what I am loosing weight on. OP is taller and trying to maintain her weight. Definitely needs to start eating more, but slowly increase daily calories. Approx 200calories extra per day.

    The less you weigh the lower your BMR is. You are losing because you are a little heavier. My BMR is around 1350 calories so at 1500 if I don't exercise I don't lose any, just stay the same.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    Without pictures it's hard to tell but 14 % is low for a non athelit. I am 19% and people often tell me I should put on weight.
    I can udnerstand your fears of going back to old habbits, but all you have to do is slowly increase your calories by 100 calories each day for week until you are happy. You can add more fruit or vegatable to make sure you are norishing your body.