Do you track EVERY food you eat?



  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I have logged every single thing I have eaten since I started on MFP. Really helps me to see what I am eating and know when I should hold back on certain things. It has also helped me with portion control.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Yes I tried the other way looking everything up and writing it on paper putting on the fridge got old real fast now its a snap and I also put everything on my chart whither I want to or not or I feel guilty.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I log every little crumb that enters my mouth! If I take a bite of something, I will enter it at .16c or 1/4 oz. depending what it is! It has made a world of difference in my weight loss! Thank God for MFP!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,992 Member
    I track EVERYTHING!
    Only thing is that I find it hard to track things that aren't in the database. I'll try to find something close or, for example, tonight I had a cheese steak from my local sub shop (it was delicious) and I basically entered everything in seperately... roll, sliced tomato, pickles. cheese, ketsup, ect. I wish every place had their nutrition info available! I don't say, "Oh well it's not in the database so I won't log it". You have to account for it the best you can.

    But when I cook at home or eat ready made stuff, it's easy.

    But, you gotta track EVERYTHING or you're just cheating yourself.
    You wouldn't run 5 miles and log in that you ran eight...
  • sparklebritches
    A lot of my meals are home cooked. I omit the onion and garlic and things like mustard or vinegar. Sometimes I decide to have a little fiber before bed and don't log that but I am always aware of where I stood for the day when I close out.
  • angkelley
    I have a question about eating out. I like to eat Chinese food. I usually get chicken and brocolli with white rice which isnt too horribly bad for you. How would you track those calories? I know when I did weight watchers, they had guides to tell me how many points I had when I chose to eat out. Are there any tools like that available on this site or no? Or does anyone know how to track eating out?
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    You bet I wasn't easy logging that piece of birthday cake tonight(went over calories), but life happens and tomorrow is another day!
  • MiniRose2B
    I track everything on better days, but If I fall off the wagon and cheat I stop logging, I mean who wants to remember rolling in the dirt feeling the wagon wheels run over them? ; (
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I don't log cheat meals and I don't log things like lettuce and mustard or even tomatoes on sandwiches. I don't ever get to my calorie goal anyways, so I mentally add, let's say, a hundred calories to my total for the small things. I don't log drinks either, but that's because I only drink water or coke zero (which has nonsignificant amounts of sodium and it's made with splenda, so no sugar).

    I also don't really log meals that I can't find any specific nutritional info on. I find something on MFP that's close enough and log that, and mentally note that it could be a little less or a little more than what I thought.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    everything, absolutely.
  • BamaRose0107
    I don't track anything. HOWEVER it is a personal choice for me. I know what to eat and when to eat, but if I start counting I get obsessed and it hurts my health insted of help it. I have struggled with OCD since I was a child so for me counting leads to unhealthy behaviors.
  • silversurfer
    Yeah, I log everything I eat.
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I log everything that goes into my mouth except sugar free gum. It is the only way I can hold myself accountable. Also if I hit a plateau I then can go back and get an accurate log of what I ate and what exercise I did. This way I can tweak thinks to start losing again. If I don't log something it is out of my mind and I won't remember a week or two later that I had that extra snack.

    I know a lot of people allow themselves a cheat day. I don't do a whole day I just do one snack per week. But even this still gets logged.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I log most everything that has a calorie including lettuce. I don't log sugar free gum. I am usually o.k. and have extra exercise calories so I don't worry if I happen to forget something. :flowerforyou:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I don't track lettuce, and celery, that's about it, sometimes not mustard! :)
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    I track everything and i need it, because i have no feeling for calories and stuff and i WANT to stay in my limits. Even when i have days with pizza and chips i put that down, it does not bring me anything to leave them out than pretending i had a super healthy day and look good in front of others which is stupid and does not help ME at all
  • RegisteredNurse
    i track everything... even the taste-tests at Costco...
  • PecanTan
    PecanTan Posts: 47
    I track everything including my vitamins and chia seeds everything that goes into your mouth has a nutritional value even water even though it is 0. The only way to see what you eat and how much you are really consuming is to be honest with yourself and track it. You will reap the reward in the end. Good Luck and hang in there!
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    I log everything I EAT but not everything I drink.

    If I am having say 1 can of diet pop and it comes out at say 2 calories then I wont log it, but if I was going to drink a whole 2 litre bottle over an evening, then I would count it, as it adds up... if that makes sense??

    I generally drink water, so I think it isn't making a lot of difference really. If all I drank was diet pop then I would count it :)

    I log treat/cheat meals, alcohol etc, but rarely go over my allowance as I will do extra exercise to earn my treat :)
  • itsybitsybean
    Why on earth would you skip your "Cheat foods"? That's insane. Aren't those the foods that make us bigger than we want to be?

    If you are pressed for time, I can see not logging your "free" foods -- like fresh fruits and vegetables without sugar or sauces. You can eat those by the pound and log very few calories. But junk food and comfort food and fast food and beverages? You can easily eat DOUBLE your daily calorie allowance in ONE junk food meal plus soda.
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