here goes nothing

I'm a 24 year old female from NY I have a good 160 or so pounds to lose. I moved six hours away from family and friends to live with my SO. He is currently the only support I have and would love new friends close or far away! Things are about to get really crazy in our lives, so learning how to not be an emotional eater is going to be hard, but worth it. I'm really not sure what else to say. Lol. Feel free to add me :)
SW: 317
CW: 304
GW: 150


  • Hi! I added you. I'm Brittany, Im also 24 years old. You can do it! Just take one day at a time!
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Hey, I added you as well, looking for some motivation for the MFP, "one day at a time" is so perfectly true, don't give up!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I would just say this. Learn the things that trigger your bad eating and then either eliminate them from your life or if they are specific foods, keep them away from your house and don't go to restaurants where they are served.

    That's been serving me well the past few months. Good luck.
  • Hey, I'm new here too! I am suffering from being away from my family too. I think you'll be able to do great! I just opened my profile, and from what I can see, people seem really supportive! Good luck!
  • gperez94
    gperez94 Posts: 3
    Hi! i also added you! if you ever have a rough day, just come talk to me! im here for you! keep going! youre doing great!
  • boomerz12
    boomerz12 Posts: 140
    Hi, I'm Kayla and I'm horrible at being an emotional eater but I'm trying pretty hard these days to not be. And I know you can do it. There are a lot of amazing people on here to help any way possible. Feel free to add, anyone.
  • JudithIsabel
    JudithIsabel Posts: 8 Member

    I am also new here and added you as a friend. For the rest please add me!! I need all the support I can get! I can relate to the overeating, it is one of the things I am trying to control and over come. Good luck!
  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm relatively new here as well but everyone on here is just amazing and beyond supportive!

    Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me as a friend, we can all work together to reach our goals and be that motivation and support through rough patches!!

  • I added you!! :) I know how it feels to be an emotional eater, it really sucks sometimes but you can do it <3
  • LaurenRosePR
    LaurenRosePR Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 24 too! I added you as well.

    I had been off and on here for a year or two, and then I started letting that little "LaurenRosePR has logged in for __ days in a row!" status become my inspiration. Just logging on here made me log food more and become more aware of how I was treating my body. Today was day 45. =] The supportive friends help, too!

    Also- one of the best lessons I learned was to not workout and eat right just to see pounds come off. Don't let physical appearance rule your fitness goals because you'll feel happy after a while and slack off... and start the cycles of going and then not going for a while. Make your goals tangible every day: "I want more energy" was one of mine. It definitely helps.

    I'm here to support anyone who needs it- we're all working towards a wonderful, common goal!
  • aka1030
    aka1030 Posts: 15 Member
    Added you :)

    I've been an emotional eater too. MFP has helped me a lot to think about food in a different way and the support is amazing. Good luck on your journey!
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    welcome! i find that the more friends, the more motivation! anyone, feel free to add me (: