Hey Swimmers!!

How good of an exercise is swimming really?
I hear that for some reason it's supposed to be fantastic exercise like no other (!!!), but is it really?

What does it do that makes it so fabulous?
How would swimming laps be better for me than jogging or lifting?

Serious question here. I have the opportunity to do swimming for exercise this summer and wondering it it would be worth the effort, not to mention the fact I'd have to buy a suit >_<

So, for all you swimmers, what benefits do you see from it?

Thanks in advance :):)


  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    My daughter is a competitive swimmer and I will tell you with utmost certainty that it is an amazing exercise that uses ALL parts of your body. There is minimal stress to your body (other then shoulders but that comes with MANY hours of strenuous exercise daily) and those with joint issues will experience success. I suggest you get instruction on proper stroke technique (even check the internet) and research some "sets" which is the way you will swim (eg. 50 freestyle on 1 minute times 5 or do a kick set with a flutterboard and do freestyle kick, breaststroke kick or dolphin kick).

    Swimsuits.....check the label and get a suit with NO lycra, spandex, nylon or any other fabric!!!!!! Polyester is the ONLY fabric that will hold up. Speedo Endruance will last (it does have lycra but it's long lasting). Invest the money (usually 65-80 for a good one) and get it with a snug fit as when it gets wet it loosens.

    I wish I liked swimming (other then water parks and playing at the beach) as the bodies on these swimmers is insane!!! I'm doing Insanity in hopes I wont look so pitiful at the beach with them this summer :)

    Good luck!!!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Wow thank you for all that info!

    I will defo check out the sets and suits. And if my HRM can go under water...

    I like swimming but I hate cold water and I'm a total surf shorts and tank at the beach kinda girl. No ocean for me!

    I did P90x and really loved it. I didn't finish the program but it was a lot of fun and I did see results. I know Insanity is by the same people so I'd imagine it's good.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Swimming works the entire body, plus you can do sets to target specific areas. Legs weak? Do kicking sets. Want to build strength in your arms & shoulders? Pull sets will accomplish that. You can do different strokes too. Swimming helps improve breathing, I regularly exceed the norms for my age when I take pulmonary function tests (usually around 120% of expected lung capacity for my age). It's much safer for most of your joints as you are not receiving the jolts that you get by running. I swim a little over 3 miles a day 4-5 days a week (most weeks) & have not had any shoulder issues. If you enjoy swimming it is a fantastic exercise, get yourself a waterproof music player & short cord ear buds and you'l wonder why you haven't been doing this all along....
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I swim 5xs a week for about 40 mins. I wear my HRM and can burn 250 calories in that 40 mins. It uses every muscle in your body. I love it because I find it relaxing. I don't use it as my only exercise though. I still use the treadmil and lift weights on the same days I swim. I can feel my shoulders really getting a workout plus it helps with learning to control my breathing. If you are not sure about it use it as the go to workout when you need a break from the same old routine.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    They make HRM's that are waterproof, I've seen a few mentioned on the swimmers group here on MFP. As for suits, I wear regular trunks (what the kids on my son's swim team call a "drag" suit because it's not one of the form fitting racing suits so it creates drag in the water), wear whatever you're comfortable with to work out in. If you really end up liking it & join a Master's program to race you can look into racing suits then........
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    I swim 5xs a week for about 40 mins. I wear my HRM and can burn 250 calories in that 40 mins. It uses every muscle in your body. I love it because I find it relaxing. I don't use it as my only exercise though. I still use the treadmil and lift weights on the same days I swim. I can feel my shoulders really getting a workout plus it helps with learning to control my breathing. If you are not sure about it use it as the go to workout when you need a break from the same old routine.

    ^^ This on controlling your breathing. Learning to do so in the water makes you understand the process more, so it's easier to control your breathing when you're doing other aerobic exercise, like running or biking.....
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    Swimming is great. I have always loved it. My husband started swimming recently and it kicked his butt. He has run marathons and stays pretty fit and it was a great addition for him. I have been avoiding swimming mostly because I don't want to buy a suit at my current weight.
  • aquaventure
    I used to swim laps when i was younger (mid 30's) as my primary exercise and yes, you get in shape. You have to push yourself just as with any other exercise to go faster, longer. I loved it as my mind could go blank and I could crank out the laps. Now I have started swimming again at 55 and after 3 shoulder surgeries it is taking a bit more to crank out the laps. I am surprised that it's coming back like it has although I am doing the swimming with other exercising.
  • DanaJ1983
    DanaJ1983 Posts: 14
    I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years and coached as well. Swimming, like any other sport, is as beneficial as you make it. If you're moving at a leisurely pace you probably aren't going to get a very good work out in but if you do sets it can have a great benefit while working both your upper and lower body. Almost every pool I've ever been in has a clock which counts seconds. you can use the clock to measure the amount of time it takes you to swim a lap or you can use it to time your breaks in between swimming. From there you can say before hand I want to swim 10 laps with 10 seconds rest between laps, this will help you not to give up when you get tired. I also like to have variety when I swim so I will do kick sets in between longer distance swimming.

    As far as suits I wouldn't see any problem with a spandex suit for swimming once or twice a week. The key to these kind of suits is to make sure that the behind is lined. If it isn't lined it wont last long, and isn't worth the money you would pay for it. If you are going to be swimming more than twice a week a polyester suit is totally worth the investment but beware that they fit differently than normal swim suits.
  • rfphoenix
    I swam competitively for years and then became a lifeguard. If done right, you'll get a killer workout. It's really easy to not push yourself though if you don't have a coach yelling at you to go faster.

    There are lots of benefits to it though! Whole body workout with zero impact on your joints being the major one.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I love swimming and I consider it as one of my favorite sport. I do it twice a month since I don't have access to a pool at home or gym. One thing I like about swimming is that its gentle on the joints and a perfect exercise for those who have joint pains or minor injuries. Plus its good for the lungs.
  • bioniccheese
    As a child who was petrified of water, I have never been into swimming. It's been 15 years since I have been in a pool. I do want to try and learn though, but the fear is most certainly still there, especially as I cannot do it.

    Really think I'll get some lessons, it could really be beneficial with my hips in the state they are.
  • Scott15Fit
    I swim regularly. It's a great full body workout in comparison to my walking (running hopefully soon) and cycling.
    It doesn't burn quite as many calories as running but it is alot less stress on your body which makes it a great sport for cross-training, for people with injuries, those who don't want to risk injury or just because you enjoy it.
    A rough comparison of calories burnt:
  • c_ansari
    c_ansari Posts: 57 Member
    I've really bad knees so I took up swimming about six weeks ago. I go about 4x/week for 40-60 minutes each time. I wear my HRM every time and usually burn about 10 calories/minute. I'm loving it so far.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    How good of an exercise is swimming really?

    For me, involves flailing wildly and screaming "help! help! help!" It's a great burn!
    What does it do that makes it so fabulous?

    It provides a chance to walk around in public with my shirt off.

    How would swimming laps be better for me than jogging or lifting?

    Do all the things.

  • blisster96
    Great exercise,
    I swim 5-6 times a week for about and 90min to 120min and it is awesome. It works your whole body and is lower impact than most cardio, But unless you have a good heated pool or an indoor one you might want to wait until summer :)
    Also it burns roughly 800 calories per workout that I do.
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    As a child who was petrified of water, I have never been into swimming. It's been 15 years since I have been in a pool. I do want to try and learn though, but the fear is most certainly still there, especially as I cannot do it.

    Really think I'll get some lessons, it could really be beneficial with my hips in the state they are.

    I'm a lifelong swimmer, had both hips replaced 13 years ago - getting back in the pool was the best thing I ever did. Swimming has helped strengthen the muscles around the joints & I have much more flexibility in the hips. Get lessons, go to an instructor who is Red Cross certified - they will work with you at your pace......
  • SA747
    SA747 Posts: 5
    I do about everything in the gym i.e. lifting, elliptical, treadmill, sit-ups, etc. and I can say that swimming kicks my butt. I swim 2x per week for 2500 yds and burn about 800 cal. It works everything and is easy on the joints. My son is a competitive swimmer and has the 6 pack and -0- body fat to go with it. I think it is a fantastic addition to
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Swimming is my first love! I can only swim in the summer here too...we have a public pool that is only open from late June to the end of August...I try to swim as much as possible....It creates very muscular legs! I never knew I had that many muscles till I swam that much! A great all over body toner!!
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I just like it because I feel its more fun, and you can switch like one lap use only arms and the other only legs...