How to gain control?

I cannot control my urge to snack. I'm not heavy, only 110 pounds, but I'm gradually gaining weight and it's always a battle to not eat. I feel like I have to be eating something all the time even when I'm not hungry and all I think about is what I can eat next. I don't buy junk food because if I have it I have to eat it. I try to eat regular meals, but once I eat a meal I can't stop eating. It's worse in the afternoon and evenings. Once I get it in my head that I want to eat something I lose my free will and just go hunting for anything to eat. I have been fighting this for a long time and can't get over it. It only stops when I'm being active, but it's not reasonable for me to be on the move all the time because I work with computers. I just need help. I have a history with purging for control and try not to do it anymore, but if I don't I'll gain more weight because I can't stop eating! I am not restricting or starving myself. I'm eating when I'm not hungry. Sometimes I get so full that it's painful and I look pregnant. Help!


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Have you tried keeping water next to you to sip on? Or chewing gum? Or getting out ONE serving of something and putting the rest back and eating the serving slowly?
  • I only ever take out a single serving but then when it's done I go looking for something else. I don't chew gum but maybe I should start, sounds like a good idea.
  • aedan77
    aedan77 Posts: 11
    firstly, you should be happy that you recognized you're eating when you aren't hungry, so pat on the back! Secondly, why don't you try to see food as a source of fuel INSTEAD of a hobby. You should see snacks as a reward, next time you log into MFP, only snack when you have calories left over. I stopped snacking a lot when i started working out, if you try really hard you'll see that those snacks here and there are NOT worth it. Log in everything you eat and you'll be surprised, with information comes change!
  • Usually if I get hungry I just drink from my water bottle to avoid snacking. Otherwise, get yourself out of the house or something, away from the food. Go for a walk.

    Also, yes, you CAN control your urge to snack. Don't accept it as a fact that you just can't help it, you're the one making the decision to pick up the food and put it in your mouth. When you are tempted to snack, you just need to think hard about how much you're going to regret it after you've eaten.
  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    I eat when I am tired. So I have learned that when I am feeling hungry and I shouldn't be (as in it has been less than two hours since I last ate) I try and take a little siesta. I also try and eat every three hours, so if I do end up actually being hungry, I am never far away from the next meal.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    Prepare your snacks beforehand! and munch on veggies :)
  • I don't eat bad food. When I say snacking I mean I eat a lot of little stuff like almonds, raisins, dried apricots, peanuts, cranberries, grapes, yogurt, etc, and most of that is very filling so it's easy to munch on and eat too much, but I have an addiction of putting the food in my mouth I guess.

    My willpower never wins out, because when I want to eat I can't be reasonable about it. I know I'll regret it, but my brain is saying, "whatever, you can just eat a bit" and it spirals out of control.

    I do log everything, but I'm never under my calorie goal. I just can't do it, even when I'm looking at the red number in my diary. If it was as easy as telling myself not to do it I wouldn't be writing in this forum.

    I think sipping water could really help, that's good advice. I think it could fulfill my desire to be eating. And I'll try gum, if I can find a brand that isn't gross and filled with aspartame. I don't like raw vegetables, so that wouldn't help.

    I did better today and didn't get into a rut of snacking, but I over ate at supper to the point of bursting. I stayed under 1400 though, even with some chocolate, but my goal is 1200. I usually eat 1700, or 2200+ on a bad day.

    And even now as I finished typing this I'm thinking about going out to get something to munch on but I feel so full! Like to the point of it trying to come back up so how can I poossibly feel like snacking? Why am I like this??