1600 calories

I am soooo sad! I was doing really good with my diet and exercise plan. I lost 17 pounds in the last 7 weeks. But tonight I cheated...I had 1600 calories more than I was supposed.
I feel so fustrated and disappointed now :-(


  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I figure we all have times when we totally blow our diet routine, maybe not that bad, but hey, its sa new day! A completely clean slate to get back on track! Don't stress over it to much and don't let it make you quit! You're doing great! Keep going!!
  • jmb1510
    jmb1510 Posts: 45 Member
    Never feel bad about blowing past your calories once in a while. It is going to happen and I hope you enjoyed the food. Just make sure it doesn't happen again tomorrow-that is the trick.
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    Trust me, I know how you feel. Last night I totally went hogwild, I really don't know what got into me. And even though I know I should be allowed a cheat everyonce in a while I still can't shake the crappiness. Like I'm going to gain five pounds from one night >_<
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I agree with the girls just jump back on the wagon with the rest of us, we'll even give ya a lift up!:wink: I think when we do eat over cals or junk we didn't plan out for the day it's when we beat ourselves up and hang onto guilt that the next day is harder to recover and get back on track.

    No reason for guilt, you know what you did and most likely you've learned from this experience, right? Sometimes it's allowing ourselves to get to hungry, more excercise planned than cals allotted, letting something at work get us down, so many reasons could make us feel out of control.

    It does happen to everyone from time to time so you're certainly far from alone. If you can simply forgive yourself, no more beating up on yourself and preplan your day, I think you'll be amazed how well it goes.

    Lots of water to flush out the salt, sugars whatever foods you ate and today (Sat. here already) you can maybe toss in a bit more excercise. Not a good think to eat less food one day to equal out a another day though, somehow that never seems to fix things. :tongue:

    Hang in there, you came here to share it and remember what they say about Awareness?:flowerforyou:

  • asm2260
    asm2260 Posts: 81 Member
    3500 calories = one pound......so, tomorrow is another day, dont look back move ahead and be proud how far you have already come.....Its all Good.
  • raisinsoup
    Don't be too down on yourself...you've been doing great! Everyone screws up once or twice...
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I do this every week. It's called my cheat day. They actually rev up your metabolism. Go back to healthy eating and don't weigh for 2-3 days. It'll be fine.
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    This will sound familiar, but-- stay positive!
    1. It's a lifetime thing, not an every day thing for you to blindly follow the precise calorie count to a single digit. You will go insane!

    2. Think of this 1600 calorie overdosing as a part of calorie shifting, not the end of the world.

    3. Calculate the calories on a weekly average basis. Make sure you are staying on the desired calorie count as weekly average, not a daily count!!! It will make life so much easier for you. :-) We all have occasions for a glass of wine or some chocolate. But make sure these days are not frequent.

    4. Remember, you will not gain 6lbs overnight! Eat clean in the days to come, and you will be back on track in couple of days! Remember, this is life and it is not meant to be a torture. You can have a lean, healthy body if you don't beat yourself up. :-)

    Stay strong and POSITIVE, loving yourself first! :-)
  • LollyOllie
    I think the fact you posted your "bad day" is a very good sign. I believe this means you are still on track.
    In the past I would have just said "to heck with the whole thing.

    You have been an inspiration to me, not only when I have a bad day to post on the forum, but also to record the food. I could see my self thinking that it was too much of a disaster to log my foods, much less post.

    Yes I think this means you are still on track