How the bloody hell do i avoid COOOKIES !



  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Also, my roommate is continually bring home boxes and bags of candy and other sweets. She likes to point out that SHE'S not on a diet. :grumble: I make her keep them in her room, not the kitchen. That way I don't have to see and think about them being there. The temptation's not right in my face.

    LOL, your roommate sounds like a real challenge! But in a way, these little tests can be helpful for our long term success. My husband brought me home a chocolate birthday cake last week. 300 calories for a 1/18th of the cake slice! I told him that I would have also appreciated some birthday broccoli instead, and he just scoffed at me...

    In the end, I ate 1 slice the first day, 2 the second, and left the other 15 slices for him and my son to finish. I enjoyed the slices I ate and then moved on. I feel like I just dodged a 5400 calorie bullet!
  • JediMomof3
    JediMomof3 Posts: 29 Member
    I have the same issue with my in-laws. But I have the advantage that after they leave I just toss things out. They say that they are bringing treats to the kids, my husband and I have both asked them to pick up fruits but they will bring high calorie cookies, chips, even dinner in trays like enchiladas. Then my father-in-law will tease my hubby about being big, when my hubby's on MFP also and doing awesome! I am trying to teach the kids to not eat junk all the time only occasionally!
    Can you ask your family to support you a bit more and have someone take the cookies out of the cupboard? That way you won't even have to know they are in the house!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I get trader joes cat cookies... serving is 15 cookies... so I only eat about 45 before I feel bad.
  • droneofvelvet
    droneofvelvet Posts: 290 Member
    I just make room for cookies. Cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner lol.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Eventually ill get the courage and go back for the rest of the test lol but thank you for your advice im deff going to be trying my hardest !
    I understand exactly what you're saying!! Some ppl can continue with the sugars and control them from the getgo.. some of us can't. You know yourself better than anyone else suggesting you keep eating them, I get it, ppl post on here saying cookies are fine in moderation. BUT it's the moderation some of us have to learn with the simple carbs, that's how many of us ended up on MFP.

    Listen to your heart, only YOU know what's best for you, everyone can suggest you keep eating them and that you need to learn discipline... I feel sometimes staying away from the really tough foods works best for some of us. Forever? Not for everyone, but for some that's how they get and stay healthy and in control.

    Cheers for looking to get healthier !:wink:
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I have the same issue with my in-laws. But I have the advantage that after they leave I just toss things out. They say that they are bringing treats to the kids, my husband and I have both asked them to pick up fruits but they will bring high calorie cookies, chips, even dinner in trays like enchiladas. Then my father-in-law will tease my hubby about being big, when my hubby's on MFP also and doing awesome! I am trying to teach the kids to not eat junk all the time only occasionally!
    Can you ask your family to support you a bit more and have someone take the cookies out of the cupboard? That way you won't even have to know they are in the house!

    LOL, this reminds me of one of my favorite Post Secrets ever!

  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I just work out more so I can have them.
  • rbaldonieri
    i have the same problem! no matter what they always somehow show up!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    This is how I look at things. I am an adult. I can get in my car and drive to any local fast food place, any grocery and buy cookies, to the DQ and get ice cream, to a bakery and buy lovely brownies, to Krispy Kreme an buy donuts, I can order pizza delivery. So the answer to this is: What are your goals? Do you want to get healthy? Once you answer those questions and have a plan you're good. It's all just deciding what you want more. Good luck.
  • sun_n_jazz
    sun_n_jazz Posts: 27 Member
    I have the same problem.

    What I find helps is downing a big glass of water. I don't usually want anything after that. If I can't kill the craving I grab one or two cookies or the sweet I'm craving and put the rest away, hidden from view. Then I take my time with the sweets I have.

    If you eat slower it makes you feel fuller faster and it sort of makes you think that you're eating more than you really are!

    ...When I'm at work or on campus I usually bring a granola bar, a fruit or a veggy so when I get snack-ish I can only choose from one of those things!
  • juggz212
    juggz212 Posts: 32
    Your best bet is to not buy them instead bake healthy alternatives from scratch its amazing what can be done with coconut sugar, rolled oats, agave sweetener and chocolate chips! Look into these things you will not be disappointed

    Not only will you satisfy your sweet tooth but it will also play nice with your waistline
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    Thanks so much everyone ive been doing really good so far fingers crossed ! :D I love listening to all of your stories its really great how everyone can come together and help one another out it means more to me than anyone could know my support system is a bit flawed lol ! :]
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    sit down and have a serious talk with your family about your goals, needs and desires. they will respect you more if they realize how serious you are about a healthy lifestyle. suggest switching to healthier homemade baked good recipes (where you can control the butter, sugar, flour content), or a healthier store-bought brand, such as low-sugar fig newtowns, granola bars with chocolate chips, calorie-controlled snack packs.
  • jovianstorms
    jovianstorms Posts: 15 Member
    I have this exact problem! I try to satiate my sweet tooth by eating fruits like grapes or mandarin oranges or a banana.... Or yogurt or raisins.... No luck yet, but gradually starting to eat less sugary goodness. Also I saw this awesome cookie recipe I haven't tried yet: It's made of just oats and banana!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I couldn't have cookies in the house, so I feel your pain. It sucks that the fam insists on keeping them around. I do, however, live right across the street from a convenience store, so sweets are always within close reach. A couple of things that have helped me -- green/white tea and a planned nightly treat. When I say a planned treat, it has to be something satisfying, because there's no way a cookie or a granola bar would cut it. I have a blended iced cappuccino, and that does it for me. Find something that satisfies you, and work it into your plan. Then, you have it to look forward to.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    eat the cookies, just not too many. i had two boxes of girl scout cookies that lasted for two and a half weeks.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member

    I have no control over sweets either, if they are around me so I try to stay away as much as possible and I don't buy them. But when I get a craving for anything sweet or salty or whatever I have noticed here recently if I brush my teeth and rinse with mouth wash it kinda kills the cravings...I mostly just don't want to taste anything mixed with that minty flavor....Im going to start trying this. I will drink water then rinse and see if it does not kill the craving for the time....If you try it let me know if it works for you.
  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm the same way. I just can't keep stuff like that in the house. If it's there, I will eat it. All of it. lol. Example... sometimes I buy mini chocolate chips to make whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes on the weekends. BUT..... once the bag of chocolate chips gets opened, I just can't fight the urge to eat them! I swear, every time I walk in the kitchen I get them out and eat a few. So I have decided to just stop buying them.
  • brittanyelizabeth21
    It feels amazing to know there are other people out there going through what i'm going through . My family god love them but holy crap they dont listen i just try and try but tonight they came home with Oreos and Donuts im starting to sound like a broken record so i just ran to my room and locked my door and decided not to go near the kitchen unless i have to go down stairs ! So lets just hope that i can comtrol my self until someone else eats them. ! I grabbed my piece of gum i had left but thats not gonna last much longer ! :sad:
  • staceycanada
    A large percentage of people are finding themselves allergic to new foods suddenly.

    While some are true allergies, many others are actually reactions to pesticides sprayed on the foods.

    Try a challenge (eat a smal amount in the allergists office) of an organic apple etc.
    You may find you have no problem with the actual food.