A New Journey

Here I am. I believe this is my third attempt? This time I started a whole new account. I want to start fresh. I want to stick to it. I want to become thin! I want a new life.

Because I know I tend to get carried away (passion for writing) even writing about being new (relatively) I can go on and on and on and… oh right. =D

My name is Elizabeth. I’m 22 years old. I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember. Even when I was in Elementary school I was bullied over it and it wasn’t that bad then from what I remember but I always thought it was. By the end of 8th grade I was around 160-175lb I believe. My parents and I moved from Georgia to California (where we still live) I was 15 years old when we moved just out of 8th grade. I believe I was 17 when the severe depression hit and I started with destructive behavior which I won’t detail here. I was put on anti-depressant to help me. It caused me to gain wright and I became even more depressed. Since then to this day I’ve had ups and downs. I’d really like to start having mostly ups. It’s been awhile since I weighed. Last time it was a little over 300lbs. If I had to take a guess I’d say I’m over 300lbs, under 320lbs. Tomorrow’s doctor appointment will give me the correct weight and I’ll update it.

I’m not completely sure how I’ll do this. I know usually when I start something my favorite day is Monday. For example this past Monday I was going to start my own independent studying to refresh my memory on history, science, and other subjects of interest… It’s currently just after 9 PM on Thursday. So that didn’t go so well.

I know I shouldn’t say “Tomorrow I will start dieting…” But I kind of have to in this situation simply because the day is over and I can’t really diet anymore today. So I’m going to start by getting to bed early (by 10 PM) So I can get up tomorrow morning (by 8AM) and get some things done before my doctor’s appointment in the morning. But before I’m going to jot down a “things I must do soon” list, so I can figure out what needs to be done and I can start getting them done once and for all.

A few goals.
- Weight goal 130lbs
- Get back to school
- More motivated

A few closing notes.
- I hope I can meets others on here perhaps in similar situations (perhaps similar weight lose goals)
- Has anyone read the book ‘dietgirl’ by Shauna Reid? I picked it up at a thrift store today. Books were on sale and I do love books. I’m going to start reading it a little tonight when I lay down.
Well as I said I wanted to get to bed by 10PM it is nearing that time…
So if you’d like please add me as a friend. I’d love to help support others and receive support for myself.

Tomorrow my journey begins…
… And this time, for good!
