number won't budge

Hi all. So I've been losing weight now off and on for about a year. Total I've lost about 50lbs. But every time I get to 220lbs my weight loss just seems to stop. It's starting to feel like it's cursed.

For a little more than a month I've been very serious with my weight loss and training for a 5k. I was mainly using weight watchers until recently when my weight loss stopped and I gained a pound. I was sticking to my points and working out 6 out of 7 days of the week (running 3 days, yoga 2 days, biking 1 day) so I was thoroughly confused as to why this was happening. When I talked about it with people in the weight watchers community I discovered that because I was not using points awarded for my workouts I was not eating enough and my body was going into starvation mode.

So then I began using both my fitness pal along with weight watchers (as weight watchers required me to eat A LOT of food to technically follow their program and following calories was more in line with my appetite) and I began adding in food for my activity. The first day of increasing my food intake I gained but after a day or two I finally went to 219.8. I thought I had finally broken the 220's curse!

Then I decided to increase my water intake as that is suggested for weight loss. I immediately gained a couple pounds. After research I was told it would even out after about a week. During the week it did go down to a solid 219, and then would go right back up to a 221.

So Then I learned about sodium intake and how that would make me retain water. So I fixed that too! And yet again I went down to 219 and there I sit. I just fluctuate up and down, but I never go below it.

So I don't know what else is left?? Is there anything else!? Am I missing something?? Or does it really take this long for these things to adjust (over 2 weeks). I can't believe following my calories so closely, along with sodium, drinking my water and exercising so much would result in me not losing weight and being stuck at 220 for the rest of my life. I even increased my exercise and added 30 day shred to my routine this past week! What could I be doing wrong? Please help with any suggestions. I'm so frustrated. Thanks for any help in advance.


  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    you and i need to throw away our scales. our bodies can flucuate up to 7 lbs in a DAY. weigh in 1x a week, MAX. you have been losing weight for about a yr- and you are bound to plateau here and there. dont worry about drinking too much water- keep drinking only helps your system.

    i cant see your diary bc it isnt open- but you may want to try adjusting your macros (carb/fat/protein). up protein and lean fat and lower your carbs a lil and see how it goes for a few weeks (not just a few days). its a learning patience too. in the past month, i upped my protein a lot, and started lifting much heavier- my clothes are fitting better even though the scale hasnt moved in 3 weeks.

    it will happen. patience :) you have done incredible already!