can it be simple?

I have 50 pounds of baby weight to lose and I seem to be struggling to get started on this - I do well for a couple of weeks and then I'll have a 'bad' day, wont be able to get back on the wagon and so the struggle continues. Here we are, in March, and my Jan 2013 resolve is still a bit of a non starter.

I keep reading so many different 'methods' of making this work..... eating clean, strength training etc and it's just a bit overwhelming. I'm a stay at home mum so it's impossible to get to the gym (although I can do the C25K and zumba in the evenings when hubby gets home). Basically, if I stick to my calories allowance, try to exercise a couple of times a week and eat my exercise cals back, will this work? I think I'm just looking for a bit of motivation to show me that I dont need to make this a high tech process...... I can keep it simple (cals in vs cals out) and it will ultimately work?


  • nornyb
    nornyb Posts: 224 Member
    Yes, doing what you described can work. I would say that the big thing is to not let a "bad" day derail you. Its not the end of the world if you go over on calories. Every day is a new one with new possibilities.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill~

    Just never give up on yourself. Remember YOU are worth it and keep on going till you make it to the end of your fitness journey, reach that goal weight, and stay there.
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    . Basically, if I stick to my calories allowance, try to exercise a couple of times a week and eat my exercise cals back, will this work? I think I'm just looking for a bit of motivation to show me that I dont need to make this a high tech process...... I can keep it simple (cals in vs cals out) and it will ultimately work?

    Yep, that's the formula for weight loss. One of the catches is making sure you honestly and accurately log your food intake. Took me ages to get into the habit, but it really pays off. I log via my phone ASAP after eating, ditto for exercising. If I wait until I get home I forget bits.

    Good luck.
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    It can be simple!! I joined this site 2 years ago and lost 70 pounds, by just exercising and eating my calorie allowance. I'm also a stay at home mom and I used DVD's or walking outside for my exercising. Don't let all the information out there confuse you. I'm a big believer that you have to find what works for you, because what works for others may not work for you, or vise versa.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    i so know where you are coming from. what you describe is my last 3 years. it took me that long to finally buckle up. i wish i had gotten it together earlier but now, im full speed and really in it. feel free to add me as a friend, always happy to meet new people

    you've already lst 15 lbs, that's great and a good loss in 2 months. Exercise can be challenging, Im a working mom but my husband is away a lot on business. so fitting in exercise has been a big challenge but i found that when i really wanted to, i could. Here are a few simple things:
    1. Walk w the stroller as fast as you can, 50 min walk will burn upwards of 300 cals. this you can do most days
    2. work out when baby is sleeping, that is what i do on weekends, at home w videos. there are loads online. try start simple, aim to do 2 workouts a week for 20 mins. then take it from there
  • imaccountable4me
    imaccountable4me Posts: 10 Member
    I actually think keeping it simple and understanding calories in vs calories out is a key to being successful. I don't have kids, but work 50-60 hours a week so I had to find ways to make thing simple and routine. Having a plan is the key. I do this first thing in the morning by putting all my food for the day into my food tracker and then my decisions are made. I have a few go to meals for breakfast and lunch that are simple and healthy, but with just enough variety to keep from getting bored. The key for me was figuring out that eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult or take more time. Where I do invest my time is in prep work when I get home from the store putting meat in meal size portions in the freezer, chopping vegetables for a salad and storing them in containers in the fridge. This helps keep things organized and takes away the excuse of not having time to prepare something healthy.