Exercise DVD? Which ones?

Just looking to buy a new dvd as just starting to get back on track + need something there.

My lovely son used my 30DS as a toy so that is scratched to pieces, so thought I'd try something new instead of buying that again.

I got some kettle bells + my other half has a weight bench/bars/dumbells and different size weights so I can always use them if needed. I sold my exercise bike cross trainer and vibration plate to my mum and I'm now mega regretting it. I can go over & use them, but not really daily.

I'll have around 30 mins during the day to do it, whilst my son eats his breakfast or lunch.

So anything that works around them really.

Any ideas? Thanks!


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I am a Cathe Friedrich fan, I love her workout style. I see you're in the UK and in general her DVDs are only available in the US (occasionally they appear on Amazon but for hugely inflated prices) but they can all be downloaded from here: http://www.cathedownloads.com/ Got o the 'products tab' to select the type of workout you would like. There's plenty to choose from!

    You mention having access to weights / bench etc. so if you are interested in strength work I would suggest 'Muscle Max' as a good starting workout, which is a total body lifting workout.

    She also has two 90 day programs: STS which is purely a strength training program and Xtrain which is a cross training program combining strength and cardio
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    There are lots of free things you can find online. Other Jillian DVDs would be good, beachbody workouts are good, tapout looks good. Not sure what all is available for you though since I'm in the US.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I am a Cathe Friedrich fan, I love her workout style. I see you're in the UK and in general her DVDs are only available in the US (occasionally they appear on Amazon but for hugely inflated prices) but they can all be downloaded from here: http://www.cathedownloads.com/ Got o the 'products tab' to select the type of workout you would like. There's plenty to choose from!

    You mention having access to weights / bench etc. so if you are interested in strength work I would suggest 'Muscle Max' as a good starting workout, which is a total body lifting workout.

    She also has two 90 day programs: STS which is purely a strength training program and Xtrain which is a cross training program combining strength and cardio

    I'm interested in STS and Xtrain. What do you think of them. If you download them, I presume you can use a free video converter to burn them to DVD and play on a DVD player. Have you compared these to JNL Fusion?
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are lots of free things you can find online. Other Jillian DVDs would be good, beachbody workouts are good, tapout looks good. Not sure what all is available for you though since I'm in the US.

    We can get most if them here in the UK. They are much more expensive though. There is a UK Beachbody site which sells the most popular programmes but the others can be bought internationally. Remember if you import something in you will have taxes to pay as well as postage.
  • jrompola
    jrompola Posts: 153 Member
    We can get most if them here in the UK. They are much more expensive though. There is a UK Beachbody site which sells the most popular programmes but the others can be bought internationally. Remember if you import something in you will have taxes to pay as well as postage.

    I see...you could always find the moves online and just do them and find youtube videos showing you how to do the moves properly if you are unsure. I like following the dvds tho too and I could workout without them, but they are still on in the backgound
  • sjobowes
    sjobowes Posts: 13
    I love turbo fire, my favorite workout program. I also have done ChaLean Extreme, Hip Hop Abs, Insanity and Power 90. By far Turbo Fire is so much fun! Message me for more info, I can send you a link to check them out. I have some fitness groups coming up if you are interested to keep you on track.
  • cozyimpressions
    cozyimpressions Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing the ddp YRG yoga videos for 3 months and they are great! 25 min. a day (5 days a week) and I've lost 8 lbs. https://www.store.ddpyoga.com/
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I love turbo fire, my favorite workout program. I also have done ChaLean Extreme, Hip Hop Abs, Insanity and Power 90. By far Turbo Fire is so much fun! Message me for more info, I can send you a link to check them out. I have some fitness groups coming up if you are interested to keep you on track.

    I use Turbofire too - love it! It's expensive, but it's been totally worth it for me!
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
    Besides 30 day shred, for 30 mins a day workout:

    Ripped in 30
    Insanity Fast and Furious
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    Jillian's Kickbox FastFix is quick too. I just started it on Tuesday and have fallen in love with it. It moves soooo fast due to the moves being in 30sec increments. There's also an instructional part
  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
    There are so many out there, it all depends on your level. Are you a beginner at exercising and want something to get you started or something more advanced?

    I own Biggest Loser Power Walk which is mainly cardio and it makes you sweat. I really enjoy this and it breaks it down into 4 different one mile walks so really you can get a "mile" done in about 16 minutes.

    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is also really good and much tougher, I had trouble completing it but you can adjust the workouts to make it a little bit easier until you are comfortable.
  • cpmetz
    cpmetz Posts: 12 Member
    I've done Turbo Jam, but I'm looking for more & wondering if Turbo Fire would be good for me. Can you send me some links for me to check it out? Thanks!
  • Davina Mccall dvds are fab, she has 9 dvds all together,
    each dvd is varied, like a cardio workout then a workout using weights.
    go to cex and youll get them for a few pounds instead of buying new :)
    she is very funny, motivating and just so genuine, you wont regret buying a davina dvd.

    kettleworx are brill routines for kettlebell workouts!
    pump it up 2012 is also a great dancy dvd but also has a toning section and legs,bums and tums section.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Hiya everyone, thanks for all the replies

    I'm a beginner really, I haven't done any real exercise in months - just walking!

    I would prefer DVD's to something online because I live in a 1st floor flat with laminate flooring + I'm sure me jumping around with no sound proofing wouldn't go down well. So I can do it in a carpeted room instead if it's on DVD!

    Theres been a few options posted so I'll have a look on amazon later on and take a pick and try one or two out!!

    Much appricated everyone, thank you
  • Drvortex
    Drvortex Posts: 8
    I'm doing the Advocare Can you 24. The exercises are similiar to P90X; however, not as intense. Very great program to start w/ and only 24 mins/day. I do this in the AM and then run/jog in the evening. The program runs for $30 on the Advocare site (https://www.advocare.com/130221518/Store/ItemDetail.aspx?itemCode=P9000&id=ALL). I have two copies that I'm willing to sell for $25. I'm an Advocare distributor and if you are interested in any of the products, feel free to contact me. I've just started and doing the 24-Day Challenge. It is so far really good. Just finished up the cleanse and now on my last 2 wks. Feeling great and well worth it. The exercise DVDs are good by themselves as well. If you have any questions, contact me anytime. Good luck on your choice and happy exercising and getting healthy. Remember, there is no price tag to a healthy lifestyle and living longer.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I like whatever I can find at Goodwill. People donate them all the time. LOL I got Slim in Six there and like it a lot. Getting ready to start the third DVD in that series. It's be Beachbody and is very good. I like having a female trainer. It's important to know what style YOU like and will enjoy. Rule out things you don't. I don't like kick=boxing, for example, so I stay away from Billy Blanks. Tried it, didn't like it. That may change, but for now, I go elsewhere.