Knees & Pain.. curious if anybody has had this before...

xdudeitsliz Posts: 38
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Obviously your knees are the first thing that like to go whenever you do exercise. I had a really bad incident two years ago or so where I couldn't even walk because I was running everyday throughout the week... well those days are gone here. I run every other day, or try to at least.. but most the time its 3 times a week. The Problem: I have not been having any pain during workouts and all that but my pain is when I am sleeping, it is the weirdest thing.. but me and my friend both agreed it might be from the joint not moving whatsoever when you sleep. I woke up to the worst pain to the point that walking up the stairs was a little difficult at 3a.m. friday morning and put my brace on and tried to go back to sleep and last night, I woke up for a split second and could feel it. I know it could be the way I sleep but I have never had this issue before.

has anybody had this issue and seen a doctor for it. I have an appointment for something else in two weeks and I am going to mention it but I was curious if this had happened to anybody else?


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    When you run, it doesn't hurt; when you were still for a while and walked, it hurt; and when you are laying in bed, in one specific position, it hurt. Did I understand the problem?
    Asking the doctor might be a good idea. Tell the doctor if any other joints are also affected. Is it one or both knees? Best of health to you.
  • dford5
    dford5 Posts: 92 Member
    Me! When I started a walk/run plan last fall, I started developing bad pain in my right knee. It would be painful during the day and extremely stiff in the morning when I woke up. I went to my doctor and he said it was inflamed. So he prescribed a regimen. I would ice and elevate the knee for 30 minutes and everyday and take a prescription strength anti-inflammatory (Aleve). After a few weeks, the pain dissipated, but the pain came back worse this January. I thought about living with it, but it was sooooo painful!

    To make a long story short, I read that fish oil can help inflammation. So I bought the Fish Oil capsules from Walmart, the Spring Valley brand. I take 3 per day with a meal. It's been about a month and the pain is gone! I hate to use the word miracle, but it's unbelievable. This really worked! :bigsmile:
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    I had pain in my left knee last summer and couldn't run for about 2 months. I saw an acupuncturist and was diasnosed with Osgood-Schlatter's Disease. ( My doctor had also said it was Runner's Knee.
    Eventually I picked up a good quality fish oil supplement and started taking one a day. It's been so much better. Occasionally I feel it in the night but it is rare.
    Good luck!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I had pain when I first started running. My knees didn't swell they just got kinda achy at night and were a little stiff in the morning. I bought some good shoes and found a softer surface to run on and the pain is gone. It's possible that my knees were just weak and I've built their strength up now. If your knees are swelling up and you can't walk then you should probably see your doctor. I hope you're not injured. You may want to take a break from running until you get clearance to start again.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    For me it's my feet - and I've found by taking an anti-inflamatory at night before bed has helped tremendously. I'd be laying down in bed, or sitting and watching television and the pain would come - throbbing and burning. I started to take Tylenol Arthritis, I can finally fall asleep without the pain! First thing in the morning, I can put my feet down on the ground and not have pain shooting through my legs.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Ouch, painful!

    I found myself with chondromalacia a couple of years ago - couldn't walk downstairs properly, walking even a mile sent shooting pains across my knee etc. It took me 3 visits to my GP for topical anti-inflammatories (didn't work) then oral anti-inflammatories (didn't work) until I finally got to see another doctor who suggested a steroid injection under my kneecap. I felt pretty rotten the day after but - touch wood - no problems since.

    I have had to change my running style and do a lot more low-impact exercise (biking, elliptical trainer) as well as rationing the amount of time I spend in heels (boo!)

    Good luck, I hope you get it sorted.
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