Sugar Goal

Can anyone reccomend an amount I should input for daily sugar goal?

Right now it's at 24, which is a little low because I go over ALL the time just eating regular things like fruit & yogurt ect. It would be interesting to me if people suggest that is a good goal as it would totally overhaul how I'm eating! lol

I'm 5'8" 161 pounds goal is 140 pounds... I'm eating 1550 cals/day.

Thanks for any help!


  • lolablitz
    lolablitz Posts: 38 Member
    I think mine is way too low too at 25. I go over mine with the same things, one fruit a day and a yogurt. Personally I think I should be eating More than one fruit a day! Anyway I just searched the topic to see what others might suggest. I want to lose three more pounds and then maintain and I'm wondering what a good maintenance sugar level looks like as well.