When is there time? Help!

SBosarge Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
There are some days that I just have no time to squeeze in exercise!! Such as yesterday. I work 12 hour shifts on a schedual (so the days I do have off, I exercise) But a day like yesterday I get up a 4:45am, take care of 6 dogs, a cat and chickens, shower, make food, all the normal stuff to be to work by 6:30am. Yesterday someone called in sick, so NORMALLY I would get off at 6:30pm and do my exercise when I get home before it gets dark. But I didnt get off until 10:30pm last night, that put me home at 11pm, took care of all my critters, myself and crashed just in time to be back up at 4:45 to do it all over again!! I feel guilty not getting my exercise in. And for 2 weeks I have been on a good diet and exercise routine and seem to be gaining weight instead of losing weight!! Yesterday and one other day is the only day I have missed my daily exercise. My husband says I look thinner, but the scale is not saying so!!!

Any thoughts and encouragment would be great




  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Well the first thing is, you're a very busy person. Yes it's going to be hard to fit exercise into your schedule. I think you need to focus on your eating more than exercise. Eat healthy and eat enough to fuel you over that 12 hour shift. If you watch you cals and eat foods that are rich in nutrients you will be successful in weight loss. It helps to exercise but is not necessary so dont kill yourself mentally because you simply cant fit it in.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Well the first thing is, you're a very busy person. Yes it's going to be hard to fit exercise into your schedule. I think you need to focus on your eating more than exercise. Eat healthy and eat enough to fuel you over that 12 hour shift. If you watch you cals and eat foods that are rich in nutrients you will be successful in weight loss. It helps to exercise but is not necessary so dont kill yourself mentally because you simply cant fit it in.
  • SBosarge
    SBosarge Posts: 6
    Well the first thing is, you're a very busy person. Yes it's going to be hard to fit exercise into your schedule. I think you need to focus on your eating more than exercise. Eat healthy and eat enough to fuel you over that 12 hour shift. If you watch you cals and eat foods that are rich in nutrients you will be successful in weight loss. It helps to exercise but is not necessary so dont kill yourself mentally because you simply cant fit it in.

    Thank you :happy:
    I am watching what I eat. I am using the trackers and all that. I have always been a health nut as far as food goes. No HFCS, low sugar, only whole grains, veggies, fruits, white meats (fish and poultry), no MSG, no soda, no hydrogenated oils, no nitrates or nitrites, all those NOs pretty much eliminate processed foods and white carbs.

    This site has me on a 1200 calorie NET diet. So as long as I stay at the 1200 net calories if I DONT exercise it shows that I would still be losing weight. With my busy schedual I fell into the "fast food" routine and that has now quite for 2 weeks!! With only one slip. My husband says I am losing fat and gaining muscle as well, as my exercise is cross country hiking for an hour a day. So I am building my leg muscles and butt. Alot of my trail is uphill!
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    I think you are doing the right thing already. Days like you mentionned, there is no ways you can fit in the exercise and don't feel bad about it. Call them your days off exercises as we do need those as well. So if you exercise every time you can and eat healthy, you are already doing all the right things. I don't know if you have lunch break at work, but one little thing that you could do is to go for a 20-30 minutes walk (gets you our of work setting and this is exercise).
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    First of all - step away from the scale! if your husband says you look thinner you most likely do - especially if you are building muscle to replace the fat loss. Remember - muscle weighs more than fat even though it takes up less space. So while you may have gained weight - you probably lost inches. Tracking those inches, I have found, is a much better indication of a changing body.

    Now - wow, you are quite busy! If you are able to take break at work, have you thought about going for a walk? Two fifteen minute breaks a day would equal thirty minutes total of walking. Or, keep some weights handy and use them on your break. The more muscle you build, the more fat you'll burn just while sitting around.

    Finally - don't worry about missing a day. Everyone should try and take a day of rest every week anyway so that our bodies can fully recuperate and be able to perform to the best of it's ability.

    Good luck!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Can you fit in a walk at lunchtime?
  • SBosarge
    SBosarge Posts: 6
    I don't know if you have lunch break at work, but one little thing that you could do is to go for a 20-30 minutes walk (gets you our of work setting and this is exercise).

    Unfortunatly we dont get a "true" lunch break, you can go just long enough to get your lunch and eat it while you answer phones. I work in 9-1-1 dispatch so the phones still ring during that time!! I bring my lunch because its healthier then eating out, so my extent of exercise during lunch is a quick walk to the kitchen and then back to the dispatch center!! I work none stop during my 12 hour shift!
  • SBosarge
    SBosarge Posts: 6
    First of all - step away from the scale! if your husband says you look thinner you most likely do - especially if you are building muscle to replace the fat loss. Remember - muscle weighs more than fat even though it takes up less space. So while you may have gained weight - you probably lost inches. Tracking those inches, I have found, is a much better indication of a changing body.

    Yeah, I have stepped away now cause I was getting discouraged! I am going to start measuring myself. I bought a measuring tape to do that. My husband is full of encouragment, tells me I am doing a good job, cause I do make sure I get my exercise in daily, except those days I cant. As stated above, I do not get a true lunch break. 15 min breaks are out of the question. I usually dont leave the dispatch center longer than 5 min.
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