Body for Life -6 small meals a day - Open diary

kt_731 Posts: 74 Member

Anyone else doing Body for Life or something similar where you have to eat 6 small meals a day with an open diary? Would like to make some friends that I can get good ideas from or possibly they can get good ideas from me. I fall off the wagon from time to time :drinker: , but Im trying! :-)


  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member

    Anyone else doing Body for Life or something similar where you have to eat 6 small meals a day with an open diary? Would like to make some friends that I can get good ideas from or possibly they can get good ideas from me. I fall off the wagon from time to time :drinker: , but Im trying! :-)

    I haven't heard of this diet. Where would I get the information ?
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    The official website is:

    But this chick gives a good summary of it:

    There is also a good book that has been around for years. Its really not hard to follow. Starting is a little hard just because it seems so overwhelming, but once you get into the habit of eating 6 small meals its not so bad. And you get a cheat day! Im on my 32nd day and I am down 5 pounds. A lot of people lose more weight by this point from what I have read, but a lot of people also say you will see your body change more before the numbers go down due to all the weight lifting. So, we will see.
  • keya729
    keya729 Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for the info it sounds interesting. I'm not good with uniformity I just know that I've been doing well with watching what I eat and using this. But I'll try something different to switch it up.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I liked Body For life more before I saw how much surgery Bill Philips has had in the past 10 years or so. Anyone willing to do that to themselves in not really living a healthy lifestyle IMO.
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    Understandable, but a lot of people drop weight on the plan so Im willing to try.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    Anyone else doing Body for Life or something similar where you have to eat 6 small meals a day with an open diary? Would like to make some friends that I can get good ideas from or possibly they can get good ideas from me. I fall off the wagon from time to time :drinker: , but Im trying! :-)
    I don't know what body for life is... but my diary is open , i eat 5-6 times a day.
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    Awesome! I checked your diary out, pretty cool. You do a lot of cardio, that is awesome.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Thanks. I usually do weights more often then I did this week too.. Cardio makes me feel good. I know everyone says to lift and cardio isn't as important.. but I feel better when I do it. Gotta do what makes you feel good.
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    I totally agree. I get a huge rush from doing cardio and I tend to get super bored during weight training.
  • michaed
    michaed Posts: 8 Member
    I am not doing the 6 small meals a day anymore, but I followed the Body for Life routine a few years ago and really enjoyed it! I was unemployed for a short while, and that allowed me to eat the 6 small meals a day. Once I got a job I was unable to eat that often and got off the wagon. Looking back, I just don't think it's a realistic plan for me to follow, but at the time (when I had LOTS of free time, I enjoyed it)

    Back on topic, if you just need ideas, I can let you know what I normally ate. If I remember correctly you needed a protein and a carb with each meal, and veggies with at least 2 or 3?

    I began eating a lot of cottage cheese. I normally ate that for 2 of my small meals because it was tasty and easy to pack in containers. For the carb I normally just used canned fruit (looking back that probably wasn't the best option, but hey, it tasted good!) Fresh strawberries and oranges are good to throw in. I also chopped up apples and sprinkled cinnamon over it.

    I think they book promoted EAS shakes, and since they were easy to get a hold of I used one of those in a blender with ice and normally a little fruit because I didn't like the taste by themselves. Chocolate with strawberries was good, vanilla with oranges as well. If I decided to have one in the morning I'd make one with coffee. I hadn't tried any protein powders prior, so I was unaware of cheaper options at the time. You could use any if that's something you'd like to do.

    For breakfast I normally had a bagel and an omlette with one egg mixed with eggwhites, maybe with some salsa.

    Tuna/chicken, noodles/rice and a veggie is another meal that is fast and packs easily to take with you. Tuna/chicken sandwich with veggies.

    Dinners were pretty easy-whatever meat you like, burger, tuna, chicken, pork chop-a veggie-and a carb, corn ( I can't remember if corn was a no-no in Body for Life though) a baked potato, or mashed potato, rice.

    I really enjoyed the simplicity of it, but I kept it pretty easy. I hated washing all of my tupperware though!

    But as you can see, my staples were

    Cottage cheese
    EAS shakes

    bagels/english muffins
    can fruit/ fresh fruit

    Any and all veggies! If you're a busy person and like cooked veggies instead of raw, the frozen veggies you can steam in the bag are convenient.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    Body for Life is a super old program. I did it 13 yrs ago and got great results. Bill's program is now called, "Transformation". His website is called "Transformation" and they have a community and recipes like this.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Understandable, but a lot of people drop weight on the plan so Im willing to try.
    A coworker of mine followed this plan for a while, lost a bit of weight, but couldn't stick to it.. and gained it all back. If you can follow and stick with the program, more power to you.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I liked Body For life more before I saw how much surgery Bill Philips has had in the past 10 years or so. Anyone willing to do that to themselves in not really living a healthy lifestyle IMO.
    Did you see where Bill "faked" like he tore both ligaments, went into the hospital (but not really), was wheelchair bound (but not really) and transformed his body in a few short mos with his own program? The reason I say "not really" is because he was filming live for his website two days after he got home from the hospital and after filming he thought the camera was off, but it was still rolling, he got up from his wheel chair, walked over to someone's purse, got out chapstick, bent down, put the purse back down and walked back to his wheelchair and sat down. So he played on the public to reboost his program. It was a scam, a lie.

    He WAS my Facebook friend and he posted a pic from 2000 (around there) and said he wanted to get back to that shape (this was said when he was wheelchair bound). He said his diet during this healthy pic was "protein shakes all day, a Dominoes pizza at night and a 2 liter of diet soda and a pack of Twizzlers". He said he ate that way every day and was never in such good shape. I was so disappointed, bc I I THOUGHT he was doing the Body for Life program to look that way. :( I posted and said, I could never eat that way, "no fruit, no veggies - IT'S NOT REAL FOOD". He ripped my butt publicly for that. He said "pizza and Twizzlers ARE FOOD.". I laughed bc I thought wow, all these years I tried to get Bill's attention and wanted him to talk to me and then when he FINALLY did talk to me he chews me out. I deleted him after all this. He is a fake. BFL is a good program.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    Understandable, but a lot of people drop weight on the plan so Im willing to try.
    A coworker of mine followed this plan for a while, lost a bit of weight, but couldn't stick to it.. and gained it all back. If you can follow and stick with the program, more power to you.
    It is not even really a program. It is healthy eating, the way a human SHOULD eat every day for the rest of their lives. And healthy working out. That is why it is called, "Body for life". It is a lifestyle. I gained mine back too, bc I went back to too much sugar and too much wine, not consistently lifting, etc.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Understandable, but a lot of people drop weight on the plan so Im willing to try.
    A coworker of mine followed this plan for a while, lost a bit of weight, but couldn't stick to it.. and gained it all back. If you can follow and stick with the program, more power to you.
    It is not even really a program. It is healthy eating, the way a human SHOULD eat every day for the rest of their lives. And healthy working out. That is why it is called, "Body for life". It is a lifestyle. I gained mine back too, bc I went back to too much sugar and too much wine, not consistently lifting, etc.
    ... it kinda is a program based on the fact that you're breaking up how you're eating into certain meals. Otherwise, you aren't following the program.

    point is, if you can't live on following those guidelines forever, don't. the body doesn't care when you feed it, as long as you feed it enough of what it needs. The fact that you went back to "too much sugar" and wine is your own choice, right? So you broke out of the program that "Body for life" set for you.. wound up at a calorie surplus... and gained.

    OP, find a plan that works for you.. and as long as you're not eating at a surplus of calories... you'll lose weight too. It doesn't have to be any plan where you have to buy into a particular set of beliefs to work either... but hey, what do I know?
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    I am trying to do 6 small meals a day and stay below a 1700 daily calorie limit. I like the multiple meals a day because I feel that I have more energy through out the day. I think its def something I can just continue doing and possibly when I reach my goal weight increase my calories a bit to remain steady. This is what I hope will happen! Haha :-)
  • kt_731
    kt_731 Posts: 74 Member
    I am not doing the 6 small meals a day anymore, but I followed the Body for Life routine a few years ago and really enjoyed it! I was unemployed for a short while, and that allowed me to eat the 6 small meals a day. Once I got a job I was unable to eat that often and got off the wagon. Looking back, I just don't think it's a realistic plan for me to follow, but at the time (when I had LOTS of free time, I enjoyed it)

    Back on topic, if you just need ideas, I can let you know what I normally ate. If I remember correctly you needed a protein and a carb with each meal, and veggies with at least 2 or 3?

    I began eating a lot of cottage cheese. I normally ate that for 2 of my small meals because it was tasty and easy to pack in containers. For the carb I normally just used canned fruit (looking back that probably wasn't the best option, but hey, it tasted good!) Fresh strawberries and oranges are good to throw in. I also chopped up apples and sprinkled cinnamon over it.

    I think they book promoted EAS shakes, and since they were easy to get a hold of I used one of those in a blender with ice and normally a little fruit because I didn't like the taste by themselves. Chocolate with strawberries was good, vanilla with oranges as well. If I decided to have one in the morning I'd make one with coffee. I hadn't tried any protein powders prior, so I was unaware of cheaper options at the time. You could use any if that's something you'd like to do.

    For breakfast I normally had a bagel and an omlette with one egg mixed with eggwhites, maybe with some salsa.

    Tuna/chicken, noodles/rice and a veggie is another meal that is fast and packs easily to take with you. Tuna/chicken sandwich with veggies.

    Dinners were pretty easy-whatever meat you like, burger, tuna, chicken, pork chop-a veggie-and a carb, corn ( I can't remember if corn was a no-no in Body for Life though) a baked potato, or mashed potato, rice.

    I really enjoyed the simplicity of it, but I kept it pretty easy. I hated washing all of my tupperware though!

    But as you can see, my staples were

    Cottage cheese
    EAS shakes

    bagels/english muffins
    can fruit/ fresh fruit

    Any and all veggies! If you're a busy person and like cooked veggies instead of raw, the frozen veggies you can steam in the bag are convenient.

    This is awesome advice and helpful. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this! :-)
  • DesireeAshley90
    DesireeAshley90 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm doing something similar! Jenny Craig during the week (six meals a day) and on the weekends my own food (six meals a day) all within 1500 calories range, feel free to add me :)
  • jenniferswilliamson3
    how do i know what small meals to eat all day and how do i get started
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member

    Anyone else doing Body for Life or something similar where you have to eat 6 small meals a day with an open diary? Would like to make some friends that I can get good ideas from or possibly they can get good ideas from me. I fall off the wagon from time to time :drinker: , but Im trying! :-)

    I don't know what body for life is, but I eat 5-6 times a day religiously. I eat three meals around 280-420 calories and always two snacks around 100-200 calories (and optional third snack depending on when I eat dinner). Basically, I never go more than 2-3 hours without food.

    Feel free to add me, and my diary is open. :smile: