Evil Step Mother

sportstergirrl Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
My Step mom is such a B*tch! She has become so obsessed with my wieght, always making me the butt of her "jokes". Im just so sick and tired of it. She is always pointing out that I've gained wieght.

For example, last weekend, she and one of her friends were talking about how her friend just had surgery and she gained wieght from it. And I said, "So what? You look fine, we all have little bellies, no big deal.". And my step mom friend said, "yeah, but you really dont have a muffin top." And my step mom said, "Oh yes she does". Then my step mom went on to say that my face is fat too.

Then, at the end of the night, driving back to my dads house, I asked them if they had anything to eat, since it was 2am and we had a few drinks. Joking around, I said, "I need to eat because I am still growing"! And I was just kidding around, and not about my wieght. I said that because even though Im 30, my dad still thinks of me as a kid. Then, my step mom responds by saying, "Your not growing taller your growing wider!" ANd she cracked herself up when she said this!

This stuff pisses me off. I never had any body issues until a couple years ago she started saying these things to me. And I hate that I have let her get to me like this. The only persons opinon that matters to me, is my own. And when I look in the mirror, I see someone who looks fine. And even though I want to lose a few pounds for ME, I sitll feel good about myself when I look in the mirror. Its just when my eveil step mom says these things to me, that when I start to feel bad and question myself.

Thank god I dont live near her. Shes always been so critical of me, my whole life! She met my dad when I was 6. Im 30 now. I told her that a lot of my wieght gain is due to the Birth Control Im on. It is known to make women gain wieght. But, she still doesnt get it.

Part of me thinks that shes jealous of me, and because she is so insecure about herself, she picks on my wieght gain to make me feel bad and to make her feel good. She is such a bully. {I dont want that to sound bad, but, why else would someone pick on another person, other than being jealous?}

Anyway, sorry about the venting here. Its been really bothering me


  • tlilly80
    tlilly80 Posts: 27
    Wow. That is horrible. It really does sound like she knows those sort of comments really bother you and that is why she dishes them out. Perhaps she feels threatened by the fact that you will always be your father's #1 girl! Have you ever directly called her out on her behavior?

    Trust me....if you only have 15lbs to hit your goal weight...then you are FAR from fat!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I remember my step mom, got her at age 12, after my mom passed. She was always portioning out my meals for me, and pissed me off. But to tell you the truth, I did loose weight! maybe she thinks with her comments that she will get you to loose weight! Doesnt always work that way. So take it as a challlenge lose the weight for you not her and be happy with yourself :bigsmile:
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    Oh my goodness! I would never do that to my stepkids...
  • gurlondrums
    gurlondrums Posts: 187
    Wow, so sorry to hear that. I have the same problem with my mother (she acts more like an evil step mom or mother-in-law, just pure nastiness because she hates my hubby yet loves our little boy, weirdo). I think it's some form of jealousy, whether it's your body or weight or maybe you just have an awesome relationship with your father and she doesn't like it. But don't be afraid to say something. If it's bothering you this much, tell her about it. I did and unfortunately my mom rarely talks to me now but it's just better this way, I think. Good luck with everything and good for you for losing the weight for you. Cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • shaggys
    shaggys Posts: 140 Member
    Wow. That is horrible. It really does sound like she knows those sort of comments really bother you and that is why she dishes them out. Perhaps she feels threatened by the fact that you will always be your father's #1 girl! Have you ever directly called her out on her behavior?

    Trust me....if you only have 15lbs to hit your goal weight...then you are FAR from fat!

    You are beautiful-use these comments to get you through a tough work out:flowerforyou:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    My father-in-law was like that to my husband. A very rude man my husband refused to visit his family though he loved his mom dearly. I finaly got him to go and visit and we would leave as soon as the bad behavior would begin. No matter where we were even in a middle of a meal wed excuse ourselves and leave. Finally he got the message to play nice. Maybe your step mother had a crappy mom or dad and just doesn't know any better. Good Luck and remember you are special, beautiful women.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    sorry it posted twice
  • In my experience folks like these are insecure and find some strength in tearing others down. As much as possible, don't take it to heart and try to call her on it instead of sitting in shock quietly (as I have often done). I've found these types, when called out on their rude behavior, respond well to direct confrontation. Good luck!
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