Advice for a Strict Diet and Exercise

binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys,

I haven't logged to myfitnesspal for the longest time. I've been able to keep my weight, but last week I gained around 4lbs and I started going back to my diet and thankfully lost those 4lbs again.

Now in mid July I'm going to the beach and I promised myself after Christmas I would start going to the gym and that didn't happen. Now, I only have about 4 months left and I want to get started for sure.

My question is if I start hitting the gym what are your recommendation for it? I want a strict diet and excercise plan because I want to really commit myself. I not only want to loose about 15-20 lbs, but I want the loose fat gone and go for a more toner body.

I started counting calories again too, gave up on soda last week (my friends didn't think I could quit soda again in 1 day) and I started eating less rice again.

Any input would be much appreciated. I really want to commit this time, and I know I can do it in less than 4 months with everyones help!

So what's your secret guys? Do I work out everyday? What should I eat more and eat less?


  • jcbalz
    jcbalz Posts: 2
    Hello! I just started my exercise and diet regimen about two weeks ago -- on 4/5/2010 and I've lost 9 pounds so far (yay!).

    I drastically changed my diet and have exercised some but not a whole lot. My mom's nutritionist told me that while exercising is a great supplement to losing weight, it's so much more about what you eat and how many calories you consume.

    I'm eating about 800 calories a day. To some that may sound drastic but it's enough for me and I feel full. I have three meals a day, as much coffee and tea as I want and even a snack in the afternoon or evening.

    Here's a breakdown of what I eat:

    For breakfast -- 1/2 cup 2% Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup of fresh fruit (or canned fruit that's not packed in syrup)
    For lunch -- turkey burger, 4 oz. patty with 2 tablespoons of tzatsiki cucumber sauce OR 1 cup of a chickpea, red onion and feta salad
    For dinner -- Garden salad (romaine lettuce, tomato, cucumber, olives and carrots) with 10-15 sprays of Ken's Honey Mustard Vinagrette (the kind in the spray bottle) + a small piece of boneless, skinless, chicken breast.
    For a snack I either have one 100-calorie pop corn bag OR one Jello pudding (the sugar free 60-calorie kind) or Jello Mousse sensation (again, 60 calories).

    I know that everyone's body is different -- this is what's been working for me and I actually look forward to hopping on the scale in the morning to see the progress I've made. I'm not very hungry because I'm eating foods that have a lot of protein and fiber. I've also found that measuring my food is a life saver! Maybe it's a psychological/visual thing. But when I measure the food out, it's always more than I thought it would be so I feel like I'm eating more. I know it sounds silly, but it's what works for me :smile:

    I'm pretty busy during the week so I don't "exercise" until the weekend. My husband and I go on a walk around the lake that's across from our house. It takes us 45 minutes and we move at a brisk pace. This morning I started the "30-Day Shred" exercise/circuit training by Jillian Michaels. It's a DVD-based program, 20 minutes a day, for 30 days. I got my DVD from and I think it was $7.

    So again, just to reiterate, I've lost pretty much all of my weight by counting and consuming less calories. Exercise of course helps, unfortunately I don't have as much time as I'd like to do it.

    Good luck on your weight loss adventure! You can do anything you set your mind to. Im sure you'll be bikini-ready by July!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    No secret for me. Eat less, exercise more. I haven't seen dramatic losses like the previous poster, but there is no way I could live on 800 calories a day. I eat about 1800 - 1200 is my base, and 600+ exercise calories a day. I'm hoping to lose 8 lbs in 8 weeks - I'm 1.5 weeks in and have lost 3 lbs, but I think that was an initial shock drop, because I haven't lost anything in 4 days. Not worried (too much) about it - I make smart choices and it will happen.
  • dbangley
    dbangley Posts: 6
    please please please -just consider this information and be careful-
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a very long time. The first 15 minutes was a complete bore and I just wanted to get off the machines!!! I was thinking of giving up, so I stopped.

    But didn't leave. I just stood there and thought OK, I can't give up. I want to change! So I went to another machine and started working. I told myself do 15 more minutes, so at least I would have done 30 minutes. 10 minutes later I started feeling the sweat comming out and it just made me start going and going and pretty soon I ended up doing 45 minutes all together. I felt proud and a little tired, but good!

    I was going to go again today, but I felt really exhausted from going out at night yesterday. Hopefully I can go again tomorrow or Tuesday.

    As far as calories goes...I never meant to drop my calorie intake. I've stuck by 1000-1400 cals a day. I don't think I could change or would want to change it. I've begun making myself get use to eating breakfast, but I'm trying to get out of the habit of eating a lot for dinner.

    Good luck to everyones diet!
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