Calorie Burn Estimates

Has anyone found problems with the calorie burn estimates in the database? Right now 30 min of Wii Free-Step on MFP claims I'm burning 127cal. The program estimates 171cal, but when I stop every 10 min to check my heart rate I'm closer to 350 or 400 net calorie burn. I'm using the max speed (100 steps/min), use long steps, and have the risers on my balance board. I'm BURNT after 30 min, soaked through and exhausted. Yet even if I was using the lowest setting there is no way 30 min of Free-Step is burning less calories than "Cleaning, Light to Moderate effort." Just to point out, the program itself is estimating nearly 50 cal more than MFP.

So here's my dilemma... if a burn rate which is taken from another program is so far off base, how can we rely on other estimates? How are they calculated in the first place, especially when a system that actually gives you an estimate is apparently ignored?

I'd also like more information on some exercises. An exercise like, say "Karate" or "Cleaning, heavy" don't tell me what they are including. A callisthenic warmup is not the same as practising blocks or learning a kata. Is heavy cleaning vacuuming, is "light" emptying the dishwasher and wiping down the counters or is it folding the laundry? More info here would be valuable.


  • boboff
    boboff Posts: 129 Member
    Well it's up to you I guess.

    Vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing floors or your hands and knees, cleaning windows, I would say light housework.

    Dishwasher, don't log

    Heavy Housework, relaying loft insulation, moving house...... at a guess.

    Underestimate your exercise, Overestimate your calories, gotta be the way to go IMHO.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Best thing I can say is get a Heart Rate Monitor. I just bought one last night at Target for $50. It's nothing fancy and only a wrist strap which I know aren't as accurate as the ones with the chest strap. I just wanted something basic until I have made exercise a habit and not a need. I am finishing up week 3 of Insanity and had been logging it under high impact aerobics. The estimate here was like 529 cals for 55 minutes of exercise. Last night wearing the HRM I got 565 cal for 42 minutes. It's a HUGE difference. So best advice I have it get a basic HRM and that is the only real way you are going to get a good estimate.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Don't worry about it. Most people don't do 300 different exercises. They have 2-3 main exercise routines that they do a few times a week. So do them, log them as whatever burn you want, and check your weight once per week. If after 3 weeks the scale isn't moving in the direction you want, then adjust how many calories you eat.
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    Don't worry about it. Most people don't do 300 different exercises. They have 2-3 main exercise routines that they do a few times a week. So do them, log them as whatever burn you want, and check your weight once per week. If after 3 weeks the scale isn't moving in the direction you want, then adjust how many calories you eat.

    entirely too logical ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Why would you even think the calorie burns in the database would be accurate? There are about a gazillion variables to consider when you're talking calorie burn. The database is very rough estimate based on an average person of your sex and weight performing something for x amount of time. It's ok as a baseline, but could be off significantly.

    Get a HRM.
  • SaundraM2009
    SaundraM2009 Posts: 65 Member
    Heart rate monitor for sure. I think the database averages what users input and accounts for age/weight/gender, but everyone is at a very different place on their journey. For example, I teach a Turbo Kick class, and in 50 minutes I burn 433 calories according to my heart rate monitor, but one of my students burns 700+.