Meatless and muscles



  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I just discovered legumes are very high protein. Some have 68 g of protein in a cup. That is so much, bc a chicken breast only has 17g. So I assume all proteins are created equal? With the exception to the "crap protein found in some protein bars". I believe they will mix up hooves and gross things and count it as protein (It IS still protein, but a gross kind). Not all fats are the same (some are good, some are bad). The good ones do good things for our body. So how about proteins. . .they are basically the same or no?
  • smsisfat
    smsisfat Posts: 10
    quinoa is an excellent source of protein - it has all the amino acids naturally in it - so it is a complete protein, so are eggs.

    you want to look into food combinations to get the proper type of amino acids to keep your body healthy - such as beans and rice - together they give your body the complete amino acids you need to build muscle. but try for wild rice, not that nasty white rice.

    also, chia, hemp, and pumpkin seeds are all excellent for you - and easy to add to your foods, especially to salads, smoothies etc.

    a great smoothie recipe is:

    1/2 cup plain coconut yogurt (not non-fat)
    1 cup coconut milk (unsweetened)
    1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
    6 frozen dark cherries
    1/2 banana
    1-2 tbl chia seeds

    it's delicious and good for you too
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    I just discovered legumes are very high protein. Some have 68 g of protein in a cup. That is so much, bc a chicken breast only has 17g. So I assume all proteins are created equal? With the exception to the "crap protein found in some protein bars". I believe they will mix up hooves and gross things and count it as protein (It IS still protein, but a gross kind). Not all fats are the same (some are good, some are bad). The good ones do good things for our body. So how about proteins. . .they are basically the same or no?

    That's probably per dry cup which would make probably 3 cups of beans. As far as "hooves & gross things" they have to label the ingredients in any food product...if you get one that says "no animal products", then it tends to contain no animal products.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I just discovered legumes are very high protein. Some have 68 g of protein in a cup. That is so much, bc a chicken breast only has 17g. So I assume all proteins are created equal? With the exception to the "crap protein found in some protein bars". I believe they will mix up hooves and gross things and count it as protein (It IS still protein, but a gross kind). Not all fats are the same (some are good, some are bad). The good ones do good things for our body. So how about proteins. . .they are basically the same or no?

    all proteins are NOT created equal. different proteins are made up of different amino acids. for you to get all the essential amino acids your body needs through a vegetarian diet you need to get protein from a variety of sources OR from hemp/quinoa (as both those two things are the only veg foods that are complete proteins with all the essential amino acids)

    as for the beans... good luck eating 3 cups of beans in a day. that'll be rough on your digestive tract and your roommates/significant other. beans are great, but they also are high carb, so if you're getting 68g of protein you're getting probably about 150g of carb.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    quinoa is an excellent source of protein - it has all the amino acids naturally in it - so it is a complete protein, so are eggs.

    you want to look into food combinations to get the proper type of amino acids to keep your body healthy - such as beans and rice - together they give your body the complete amino acids you need to build muscle. but try for wild rice, not that nasty white rice.

    also, chia, hemp, and pumpkin seeds are all excellent for you - and easy to add to your foods, especially to salads, smoothies etc.

    a great smoothie recipe is:

    1/2 cup plain coconut yogurt (not non-fat)
    1 cup coconut milk (unsweetened)
    1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries
    6 frozen dark cherries
    1/2 banana
    1-2 tbl chia seeds

    it's delicious and good for you too
    Thanks! This is super helpful!
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I just discovered legumes are very high protein. Some have 68 g of protein in a cup. That is so much, bc a chicken breast only has 17g. So I assume all proteins are created equal? With the exception to the "crap protein found in some protein bars". I believe they will mix up hooves and gross things and count it as protein (It IS still protein, but a gross kind). Not all fats are the same (some are good, some are bad). The good ones do good things for our body. So how about proteins. . .they are basically the same or no?

    That's probably per dry cup which would make probably 3 cups of beans. As far as "hooves & gross things" they have to label the ingredients in any food product...if you get one that says "no animal products", then it tends to contain no animal products.
    I didn't know that about the label. Thanks for the info.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I just discovered legumes are very high protein. Some have 68 g of protein in a cup. That is so much, bc a chicken breast only has 17g. So I assume all proteins are created equal? With the exception to the "crap protein found in some protein bars". I believe they will mix up hooves and gross things and count it as protein (It IS still protein, but a gross kind). Not all fats are the same (some are good, some are bad). The good ones do good things for our body. So how about proteins. . .they are basically the same or no?

    all proteins are NOT created equal. different proteins are made up of different amino acids. for you to get all the essential amino acids your body needs through a vegetarian diet you need to get protein from a variety of sources OR from hemp/quinoa (as both those two things are the only veg foods that are complete proteins with all the essential amino acids)

    as for the beans... good luck eating 3 cups of beans in a day. that'll be rough on your digestive tract and your roommates/significant other. beans are great, but they also are high carb, so if you're getting 68g of protein you're getting probably about 150g of carb.
    LOL, on the beans. Definitely don't need that many carbs. Thanks for the info on amino acids. I also didn't know that. I am learning so much here, I am very glad I made this post. I have discovered i have a lot to learn. Thanks.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I read an article on clean eating by Tosca Reno who said she buys bone and puts it in her vegetable soup with a bit of apple cider to make a broth. The vinegar pulls the protein from the bone so she gets protein without eating the meat. The bones she uses are carefully selected to be only from animals which were not fed hormones, etc.
  • mandi_spicer
    mandi_spicer Posts: 37 Member
    There are plenty of plant sources for protein! Looks like a lot of people are pointing you in the right direction. There are many amazing documentaries out there about vegetarian diets or healthy eating in general.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I was vegetarian then pescetarian for 10 and 14 years respectively. But once I started lifting and recently, I found myself craving meat badly after working out, so I now do have lean chicken a few times a week. I do feel worried, given the studies done recently, showing vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, even when both share other lifestyle factors, but currently I seem to need the meat. Both my brother and mother were vegetarian and experienced the same thing before I did.
  • aprmay
    aprmay Posts: 216 Member