Can I substitute?

I started tracking on March 1st and am currently not really working out or exercising right now. I am on a 500 calorie deficit with a 40-40-20 split (carbs, protein, fats respectively). I am having a hard time meeting my protein goals. I can't stomach canned tuna and can only have egg whites once a day because I am not a fan of them either. Yogurt makes me nauseous as well (I am very picky). I wanted to know if using whey protein powder periodically mixed in with some foods is ok to help me meet my protein macros.
I also wanted to know if my macro split is ok for someone who isn't currently working out and exercising. I have been reading up for days about how protein can turn to stored fat when you take more than you need but also heard then you will just piss the extra out.
My split is:
233g carbs
233g protein
51g fats

Thanks guys and gals

(P.S.- I just added meal names so my meals times in the diary are messed up. Please ignore the meal frequency)