Busy Mom of 3 looking for some motivation

Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I joined MFP back in Dec and have lost about 21 pounds since, but after a few months started to slip on my tracking and the scale stopped moving, i havent gained any but im not loosing very much any more. Just thought i would get some ideas from other mommys that work and have kids and how they fit in time for a workout after a long busy day. Also looking for friends on here maybe to keep me motivated and i can do the same for them. I really would like to get close to my pre baby weight by the end of summer it just seems so far off right now(20 more pounds) But im going to give it all i got lol :)


  • Julie837
    Julie837 Posts: 84
    Hi, it all depends on if you are working while the kids are in school or a stay at home. Since most gyms have baby care there really isn't any excuse not to hit the gyms unless they're sick. You sound young, and my kids range from 10 to 26, so I can tell you that it's all about priorities . Do you think you will ever look back and regret the day you didn't get the laundry done or the car washed? Not a fat chance! You will wonder why you weren't working out and making friends. Trust me, what you think is vital now will not be important in 20 years. Good luck, Julie
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I find it nearly impossible to work out after working, so I get up before my husband goes to work to get my exercise in. That way, he's home (albeit, still sleeping) with our baby (who is also still sleeping). I don't go to a gym or anything - just what I can around the house - yoga, gardening, walking/jogging, and weights. I have a bike trainer (150 bucks) that you attach your bike onto and you ride in place - maybe invest in something like that if you already own a bike. It's alot cheaper than a stationary bike and takes up alot less room. I set that up in our garage.

    Obviously, none of this is very flashy, but it works...
  • Jb27
    Jb27 Posts: 71 Member
    I do have a stationary bike so its probably time to get it out, my kids are 7,5, and 18 months so its hard to do any workout without them being somewhat involved . I bought a jogging stroller today so im going to really try and walk atleast once a day, two of the kids are in school and i manage a dental office so the days just go by so fast , i will try getting up early to work out when i can, i already get up at 5:30 to get everybody ready and out the door by 7:15 but i know when i do get a good workout in i feel so much better so maybe it would be a great way to start out the day :)
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm in the same boat - two kids (7 and 3), and I work full-time. Like you, I already get up at 5:30, and that's kind of my limit. What's been working for me is a 20 minute walk at lunch time when I can fit it in. Then in the evenings, I've been either riding our stationary bike, doing a quick workout video (30-day Shred) or some Wii Fit. It's not much, but it's something to keep me moving. I try to work out around 7:30-8:00, so it's not too close to my bed time. Usually the kids are watching TV or getting ready for bed, or my husband is helping out with them.

    Then on weekends, I try to do longer workouts. We all go to the Y for the girls' tumbling classes on Saturday mornings, so I can get a workout in the fitness center.

    Good luck!!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Are your older kids on bikes? I would try to get them out with you and push the youngest in the stroller and have the older kids rides bikes with you. I think exercising with your kids is so important.
    I don't work right now so I have time, but I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It comes down to 30 min (with warm up and cool down) and has HUGE results. I do it while my 2 year old tries to do it with me. I've also been known to turn on Elmo or something just to get that quick work out in.
    You could also set up your bike and ride it while watching TV at night. On the nights my husband is home I LOVE going to the gym and working out to prime time TV, makes an hour on the treadmill fly by.
    Best of luck and know that you can and will do it, for yourself and your kids!!!
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