just need to write this out for myself...

I am feeling pretty discouraged right now. I lost quite a bit of late over a year ago and did so well with eating right and working out. But now, I just can't seem to get back on track. I feel like the eating (all the bad stuff) is more like an addiction than it ever has. My co-workers will bring in candy or something "bad" and I can't stop myself from eating it! Then they will ask if I want to order food beause they are going to, so I do! I know that I shouldn't because there isn't much you can get in this small town that is healthy but I can't seem to find the will power that I had a year and half ago. I know that part of it is the lack of mental motivation, the past reason I lost weight was because I was getting married and no bride wants to look bad on their weddign day! So, now the question is, how do I find that motivation again? I NEED to. I felt so much better physically and mentally when I was in much better shape. Where does one find that will power once they have lost it? I used to consider myself someone that could easily do things like this. I have always been able to do anything that I have out my mind to but recently, it just hasnt been happening for me. Does anyone have words of advice? Anything would help! Thanks for taking the time to read my babbling, but I thought this might help me get over this hurdle.


  • ForMyAngelBaby
    ForMyAngelBaby Posts: 123 Member
    I was in your shoes a few years ago. I had been losing weight successfully, but I fell back into that trap of unhealthy eating. It certainly doesn't help when you have temptations every time you turn around. One thing that has really helped me is that I learned its not about willpower, but instead its about knowing that you are stronger than food and releasing the hold food has on you. When you do that, its easier to say no.

    Yes, I'm still tempted by junk foods, but I remember how good it feels to be healthy and eat healthy in contrast to how it feels to eat badly. Look at some of your before pictures and remind yourself that someday you could go back to that if you don't get back on track now.

    You are stronger than food and you can rise above this!
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    1 Have a set plan of weekly exercise and meals.
    2. Have enough food at home to make your lunch and bring it to work. Bring lots of fruit for snacks. Gum also. Water also.
    3. Realize that everything you do is a choice..
    4. Being fit is an incredible feeling.
    5. Its not a journey as journeys end, its a lifestyle.
  • luckylei
    luckylei Posts: 19 Member
    What I've been doing the last few months is thinking of the next event that I will attend where I might have my picture taken. Kinda like what you did for your wedding. I need something concrete that will push me to look better!
  • AngelaH10
    AngelaH10 Posts: 71 Member
    I was in a similar situation but you need to keep telling yourself that YOU ARE WORTH IT! I started keeping a journal and I take it everywhere. If I'm feeling tempted, I start writing. I also printed off before and after pics to help motivate me. It definitely helps!! Friend me if you'd like, I'll help you!!!
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    All great advice...the thing that helps me the most is to exercise first thing in the morning. No time to make excuses and then you feel so much stronger physically and mentally that you wont want to mess up what work you have already accomplished.
  • lisaloo85
    lisaloo85 Posts: 81
    Thank you guys! All great advice! I really appreciate it!
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I was there just a week or 2 ago. For me I joined a weight loss challenge and got my hubby running with me and helping hold me accountable. I also made running a game. I use Zombies run and it entertains me as I run. Hope that helps
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    So, I realized for myself, I was always losing weight 'for' something. My wedding, a new school semester, someone else's special event. And, the weight ALWAYS kept coming back on...Until now... because I still eat junk (check out my diary), but I eat less of it (although it may not appear that way I really do). I focus daily on getting the water I need, moving 4x per week and just trying to make healthier choices. I have goals, but I dont have an end date for this, it's my life and I need to be healthy. Maybe you're the same way? Maybe not... I feel like we all choose whats really important to us and make time for what we want to. If you wanted it that bad right now you would make time and make choices to reflect it.
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Here's an idea: get out your wedding dress and try it on, then set a goal to fit into it again at least as nicely as you did when you got married (wouldn't your anniversary be a nice deadline/goal?), and then try it on regularly to make sure you stay on track. That, or book a second honeymoon to somewhere beachy that would require wearing a bikini.

    What I actually do (not married, no money for trips etc), is imagine the face my boss will make when I tell her to get me smaller work pants. When I'm feeling low and want to snack on something bad, I try to remeber the feeling I had when I realized at the check-out that what I was buying was fresh veggies, low-fat cottage cheese and different types of lean protein sources and I didn't feel like it was a punishment., and the feeling I get when running (I'm learning to run and am really slow) goes better than expected. Thinking about that makes me want to go to the treadmill even when I'm not feeling it.
  • sindikumva
    I find that my lifestyle works best if I don't get too hung up on individual choices and focus instead on the big picture. Sometimes - like Wednesday when I had a 24 hour exam - I need to eat comfort foods to get through a stressful situation. Sometimes I go out to dinner and really feel like eating rice with my stir fry. Sometimes all-you-can-eat sushi is fun! Hell, sometimes I couldn't pry myself out of bed get to the gym with the aid of a crowbar and a golf cart. If I focus on the big picture, minor variations in my caloric intake and expenditure are balanced out over a week or 2.

    Note: MFP isn't really great for this kind of thinking because as soon as you go over their number, the "Net" turns red and you feel super super guilty (or at least I used to). Don't let this phase you. If you are trying to drop a pound a week, you need a deficit of 3500kcal a week... not 500 a day. And if you really think of the big picture - say 4 pounds a month = 1400kcal deficit a month - you will see that ups and downs are no big deal.

    My other suggestion is to set fitness goals instead of weight loss or caloric goals. Try to run a 3 miles in 3 less minutes or something like that. This way, going to the gym or doing whatever physical activity you do will be a challenge for the long term.

    ** edit: I know 500*7 = 3500. I just mean you could have no deficit one day and 750 for two days and it will all come out in the wash.