
Hiya quite new to this (8weeks) just confused over bmr mines 1758 and I'm quite active so confused over calories needed so lose weight properly sorry if stupid question x
Age35 weight 220 height 5.6 av lost 26 lbs so far tia


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hiya quite new to this (8weeks) just confused over bmr mines 1758 and I'm quite active so confused over calories needed so lose weight properly sorry if stupid question x
    Age35 weight 220 height 5.6 av lost 26 lbs so far tia

    Well, I'm no expert, but I'm 35' 5'6 and started off at 220 and am now 161 and aiming for 150, so very similar to you!

    Initially I was eating around 1200 calories a day and losing, but the I upped to 1500 calories and started losing at a better rate. My BMR is 1500 now and I aim for 1550 calories a day and don't eat back exercise calories, and that works for me, although plenty of people will probably tell me that I need to eat more. My personal trainer thinks this is a good amount for me.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I plugged your stats into My Fitness Pal's BMR calculator and it shows 1710. You can do this by clicking on the Apps tab and scroll down to find it on the right hand side of the screen.

    BMR is the amount of calories you burn just to stay alive. Put another way, it's the amount of calories you'd burn if you were in a coma. Never eat below your BMR.

    My Fitness Pal (MFP) is a "dumb" tool in that it sets your daily calorie limit based on your inputs even if that limit is unhealthy (i.e. below your BMR). This is likely what's happening in your case.

    MFP will never set a calorie limit below 1200, it's the floor.

    Double check your settings. Your lifestyle/activity level should be based on your job since you spend 40 hours per week doing it. Do not include dedicated exercise/workouts, log those using the Exercise tab.

    MFP includes a built-in calorie deficit so eat back your extra earned calories from exercise. After you log your exercise, you'll see your calorie limit increase.

    After checking/changing your settings, if MFP sets your daily calorie limit below your BMR (1710) you will need to manually adjust your calories so it's ABOVE your BMR. Do this by going to My Home>>Goals>>Change goals>>Custom. Overtype the calorie number. While you're in the customized screen, I recommend changing your macro percentages because MFP's default protein is dreadfully low. Mine are set to 45/30/25 carbs/protein/fat. It's a much more balanced diet. Also, increase your fiber to 25g per day and decrease your sodium to 2300mg per day (the lower the better!).

    I hope this helps. There's a wealth of good information on the forums. When you have time, I strongly suggest you read some of these posts:

    Good luck hon!

    Again, never eat below your BMR. You will still lose weight.
  • tammyvarley77
    tammyvarley77 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much very helpful
  • tammyvarley77
    tammyvarley77 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you