Looking for Friends with Similar Details...F,~230, 5'3"

Hi all,

My subject pretty much says it all...I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated and really, just to talk when I'm bored! I'm 29 years old, hovering around 230 (my weight fluctuates like crazy =/-5lbs everyday!) and I'm 5'3"....almost. I started my journey with MFP back in January, and have done very well so far, I think (although some days I'm just so impatient that I feel like it's taking FOREVER!)

I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred, and I'm about to move on to level 2. My first level had AWESOME results-- I lost 5 lbs and almost 8". I can't really talk about my diet and exercise to my friends, since they're all skinny and just don't understand, and I don't want to be that person on facebook everyday logging in "I did my exercise today! Holy crap I'm tired!" sooooo....MFP, here I come!

Please add me!
