Should I eat a deficit if I'm trying to build muscle?

I'm trying to tone up and get stronger. MFP is currently set to 1/2lb loss a week because I'm too scared to up the calories anymore. I don't what to eat to build muscle either. But if I eat a deficit will I build muscle or not? I'm guessing on 1/2lb loss a week the deficit is 250 cals.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ummm...if you eat at a deficit, you lose weight because you are in a catabolic state. You cannot be in both a catabolic and anabolic state at the same time.

    Deficit = weight loss (fat and do not build muscle at a deficit)

    Maintenance = Maintenance (you can still decrease BF and build very small amounts of muscle)

    Surplus = weight gain...fat, muscle, or both depending on the size of the surplus.

    If you aren't trying to lose weight then why would you eat to lose weight? I'm thoroughly confused.
  • Because I don't want to put fat on instead of muscle, as I've just started lifting, I'm not really experienced in how to build muscle and what to eat etc and how much to lift and how often. I don't know much really haha.

    But thanks for clearing this up for me!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    In order to build muscle you need to be eating at a surplus of calories. You need to be maxing out on protein and you need to lift heavy heavy weights... heavy enough where after about 8 reps you can't do another.

    When you lose weight you lose muscle as well unfortunately as the PP pointed out.

    Also, the side effect of building muscle is also gaining some fat in the process. It's just how it works.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Ummm...if you eat at a deficit, you lose weight because you are in a catabolic state. You cannot be in both a catabolic and anabolic state at the same time.

    Deficit = weight loss (fat and do not build muscle at a deficit)

    Maintenance = Maintenance (you can still decrease BF and build very small amounts of muscle)

    Surplus = weight gain...fat, muscle, or both depending on the size of the surplus.

    If you aren't trying to lose weight then why would you eat to lose weight? I'm thoroughly confused.

    Not 100% true. In fact there have been studies where people have lost fat and gained muscle at the same time. Not as much muscle as they would of gained in the same period were they just bulking but gained none the less.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Read this:

    I think this is great information for all of us trying to lose fat and not lose our LBM, and gain more LBM too for that matter!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Is building muscle what you want or do you just want to keep your current muscle and gain strength while you lower your body fat percentage?

    I had this question recently and was told that it's generally not a good idea to do a proper bulk until you've been lifting awhile, so that's what I'm doing-- slight deficit for now.
  • Is building muscle what you want or do you just want to keep your current muscle and gain strength while you lower your body fat percentage?

    I had this question recently and was told that it's generally not a good idea to do a proper bulk until you've been lifting awhile, so that's what I'm doing-- slight deficit for now.

    Yes I think so! I want to lower my body fat % and look more toned instead of skinny fat, which is what I am now.

    Thank you all for your replies, much appreciated!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    If you are too scared to even return to a maintenance level of calories, that isn't a particularly healthy mindset. Although you can potentially increase lean body mass slightly while assuming a slight deficit or eating at true maintenance, at least in the short term, your best gains will come at a slight surplus - where some of the gain will come from fat. With that said, if you wish to reduce fat mass, you can eat at a slight deficit while lifting moderate resistance and consuming about 0.8 to 1 gram of protein x lean mass. But I would resolve your fear of upping calories to maintenance at some point or else you'll only hurt yourself mentally.