Dieting when Stressed

Hey everybody. I could use some feedback re: limiting caloric intake when under high stress and the big question - how much is enough?

Here's the short version of the story: I'm in graduate school. I decided to lose some weight last December during my winter break and began using this site and counting calories. I shoot for 1,400 a day (after exercise). I consider myself fairly active. My weekly regime consists of 2 zumba classes and 1 one-hour swim for cardio, lifting weights 3 x a week, and practicing yoga every other day for ~45 minutes. I'm also a vegetarian. 5'6, 140lbs
So during the break my work load was light and I wasn't too stressed. Experimenting with caloric intake - 1,200 was definitly not enough, but I could feel satiated on 1,400 a day. I eat a ton of raw produce, eggs, nut butters, beans and rice, that kind of thing.
So fast forward 3 months - now I'm writing my master's thesis and regularly putting in 10 hour days at the office and working straight through the weekends. Suddenly 1,400 doesn't feel anything CLOSE to enough - I can eat that much by lunch time!

I think perhaps I am confusing feeling stressed with feeling hungry. On the other hand, I have lost ~10 pounds and put on a bit of muscle since I December - maybe my metabolism is up? Maybe my brain is burning extra calories?

Has anyone else experienced a huge surge in appetite in response to stress? How did you cope with it? My weight loss has plateaued so I don't really want to be eating more, but I have been feeling pretty deprived lately which has resulted in a huge binge about once a week which leaves me feeling bloated and guilty.

Any stories of similar experiences and tips/advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated.


  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    This happens to me when I am stressed.
    All of a sudden, I become an angry, raving maniac!

    What has worked for me is keeping within my calories and upping my protein and fiber intake.
    I tend to crave sweets when I am stressed, so I will have a protein shake and add a little chocolate and peanut butter to it. It's guilt-free and keeps me fuller, longer.

    If I feel hungry a little while later, I drink some water. 8oz first, then another 8oz and wait 20 minutes. If I am still hungry, I have a snack: nuts, berries, chicken salad, fiber cereal...Something high in protein and fiber to fight off mindless noshing.

    If you are frequently, truly hungry, then try upping your cals 100 at a time; start at 1400, then try 1500 for 3 days, and moderate as needed. If you are gaining weight week over week, then modify again and try more filling, lower calorie meals.

    And if you can pinpoint stress as the cause, try de-stressing. yoga, a walk, nice hot bath with scented oils, tea, something to bring the stress level down. try humor websites and laugh for a while.
    Hope this helps!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    People stress eat all the time. It usually isn't real hunger though.

    If you need to, make your weight loss goal per week smaller so you have more calories to work with. Or set your goal to maintance so you have more calories to work with for the time being.

    I doubt your brain is using more calories than normal... and eating at between 1200 and 1400 wouldn't of given you muscle gains which would up your metabolism. I would imagine you are feeling hungrier due to the stress factor.

    To try and deal with it either up your calories, drink more water, or choose low cal things that get you more bulk for the calories. Large salads, veggies, etc. Eat high protein and moderate fat along wtih fiber to help keep you feeling full for longer. Do things to destress as well... take a bath, go for a run, do yoga, read a book, whatever helps you destress.