Start weight, ultimate goal weight and why?



  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    SW: 200
    CW: 166.4

    Ultimate goal is to get to a healthy BF%.
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow! Fantastic job everyone! Very inspiring for me! I just recently had a baby. My starting weight on MFP (December 2012) was 197, current 167 (prepregnancy 168), and my goal weight is 145. Medically, my ideal weight is 117-127. Something it looks like many of you have or are close to acheiving! At 5'1, I was a happy size 6-8 at 145 out of college. The last weight I can really remember as my skinniest ( studying ballet in college, dancing 5 days a week) was 135. So I can't even imagine being 117-127! Something to aspire towards when I'm close to the 145 though! I'm a yo-yoer since Jr High, but this time I'm losing the healthy 1-2/week and hope it makes the difference for me in the long run. Great job again!!
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    SW: 385
    CW: 296.2
    GW: 155

    Why?: I need to be healthier. I want to see my children grow up, and I don't want to be riddled with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and the likes. I also am excited at the transformation that my body is making, and can't wait to see what I look like underneath these layers of fat. As a young girl I was molested (on several occasions), and turned to food as my comfort, I didn't realize that is what I was doing at the time, and my parents didn't either, and I went from being a relatively smaller child, to what seemed like big, over night, and have held that heavy weight since. I've been healed of a lot in my life, and thank the Lord I've come through a lot spiritually, emotionally, and now I want it to show, physically!
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    I started at 245, currently at 232, aiming for 140