Be my homework subject! Nutrition student needs help!

Hi everybody,

I've been here on MFP for almost a month now. It's pretty much changed the way I think about food, and health, and myself and I LOVE IT ALL!

I am on here for a different reason though today ---

I am actually a Food and Nutrition student in MN, and I am currently taking an education course that is focusing on how to teach nutrition.

I have this assignment due next week and I am hoping y'all might want to contribute some thoughts and help me out.

It's like this --- if you are from a unique culture (not american) or are above the age of 65 I would love to hear your responses to a few questions:

What is your culture/age?
What is your food culture? How does your age effect that?
Do you practice special fasts or holidays with food?
How are your food choices affected by your culture or age?
What are some common dishes that are unique to your culture or age?
How do you think your diet or nutrition intake is affected by your culture or age?

The jist of the assignement is to get an idea of some of the challenges that go one between nutritionists and their clients.
Even if you dont want to answer my questions but rather tell me of an experience you had with a dietician or nutritionist or a doctor talking to you about food it would all be much appreciated!

Thank you for taking the time and helping out a busy busy nutrition student! You're amazing!
