What's the use?



  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Think how great you will look in a bathing suit this summer...That is what gets me through...
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    There is no magic solution. You have to want it, until then you will keep giving up. You have to want it and let nothing get in your way.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Personally I find that you have to have the WANT in you!! You have to be determined to get there ... For me I was sick of looking at me .. and I knew I need to change to be happy with me. You also have to change things that can stay that way for a life time. This to me isn't a diet it is a life change and it will be a life long journey. There is no easy fix, no wrongs or rights. You have to find what works for you. I had to change my whole way of eating and drinking!! I was a chip and pop freak! I had to give those up all together .. Not just moderation, because there was no such thing for me with those things. So now I just don't buy them. They are apart of my past, not my future.... So if you want this change bad enough you just have to set your mind too it, plan and make it happen!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!! I am down 97 lbs in about 14 months, and I still have a ways to go. I will get there eventually day by day .. pound by pound!! Good luck!!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    One trick I have learned is to baggie up portions of veggies, nuts and other nutritious foods, being mindful of how much is a serving and how many calories are involved. When I am hungry for a snack, or need to eat on the run, All I have to do is reach for a preportioned baggie of food. This makes it less tempting to grab a bag of chips or something else unhealthy.