Hi Im a "newbie" and just began myfitnesspal. Ive only been participating a few days but I love it. I use myfitnesspal along with an appitite surppressant. I feel great already! Im ready for the new me ;)!


  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Welcome!! You will love this site!!!! Good luck! :)
  • commonnerd195
    Welcome to MFP and you've already taken the biggest step into bettering your life. :D
    I'm a returning MFP'r myself, and I fell off the boat but back on. Add me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • butterflysoldier
    butterflysoldier Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I've Bern struggling with weight loss as well and decided to go to a weight loss clinic, they put me on appetite suppressant to jump start things, I just started back exercising looking forward to the results.