accountability, friendship, inspiration

Not exactly New to this site, but would love some new friends! I do not, however, want friends that are just going to post "wtg" on everything. I want real friends. People to chat with, learn from, keep up with, and celebrate wins with. I want serious inquiries, accountability, and LAUGHTER. we can do this! TOGETHER!


  • Hi.! My names is Diana and I am willin' to help and learn. I have been on my diet for 4weeks.! and I am down 21lbs. its been hard and I will push you and I want you to push me. you can add me and txt me. i promise I am not a weirdo. ha.
  • angel2rn
    angel2rn Posts: 11
    I'm new here & I'm not a "weirdo" either....I am excited to get healthy & meet new friends...Feel free to send me a message anytime...I work days and nights at a local hospital--so I tend to be up crazy hours... :smile
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I'm not exactly new either :) Had a crazy life for the past 7 months, and gained 14Lbs back -SIGH- I'm super commited to changing now though, and would love to be your friend! Add me please! :) We CAN do this! :)
  • saragregg
    saragregg Posts: 38 Member
    Friend request sent! I could use some more friends and support!
  • This is what I need!!! I need people that are going through the same thing as me......I know my friends and family show me support but it is hard to take when they are all skinny and dont understand WHAT I have to go through.....Will send my request to all you ladies :)
  • I'm up for people to motivate me and that need me to encourage them also! Add me too if you want :)
  • I could definitely use the support too. It'd be nice to have others who could inspire me as well. Feel free to add me:)
  • Sending a request:)
  • rvhorsburgh
    rvhorsburgh Posts: 53 Member
    You can add me if you like. I am on day 65-ish. I am nailing my goal (brag brag brag). I actually pay attention, maybe too much attention because I want us all to WIN! I have a few close friends on here and we are really really working together to improve health habits. We are doing a challenge right now for 1 week that REQUIRES protein and fruit and/or Veg every meal. I have an idea for next weeks challenge too.
  • Hi, Im Maggie, I have become despondent over the last few months, as I have been doing everything right and not losing an ounce, I would therefore appreciate some help, friendship and inspiration, I joined a few days ago and Im trying to stick to my 1200 calories a day, it will be interesting to see if I lose anything in a week. I have a big holiday coming up in June and my aim is to lose 5kg at the least. Regards:smile:
  • txs78746
    txs78746 Posts: 24
    Great posting! I have found making friends online to be as difficult as losing weight. Now that the lbs are finally starting to come off maybe MFP will also bring new friends. :happy: Of course I just added up today's intake and see that I'm waaaay over my calorie limit. Perhaps friends should wait until tomorrow...
  • Add me ! If you ever need help I'll be more than happy to help :) I started my fitness journey over the summer and since then I have learned a whole lot and I would love to help other with what I know. I just started this and haven't logged yet I'm starting tomorrow but I have lots a lot of weight and gaining more muscle. I'm not quitting it's a life style for me, just on here looking for some extra motivation !
  • tzitzimitl
    tzitzimitl Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I am very new here, and would love some people to keep me motivated and accountable! Please add me and we can work together :)
  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I would welcome friends like that. It been a tough road. But 72 pounds later. And I wonder how did that happen? This site has been my lifeline. When the rest of my life is going crazy. I know logging everyday will only help me in the long run. Peace and smiles
  • I am not new here, but am still looking for people to talk to! I don't mind people who post way to go or such, as it keeps me going, but conversations are fun too!
  • britlou6
    britlou6 Posts: 4
    New on here need inspiration and friends! I log on daily