Oil pulling??



  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    blah, blah, blah
    gotta love the ignore feature!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I say this with all the love and respect I can muster...

  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Wow....thanks everyone for being so polite....
    Actually I'm shocked how many have posted they have no clue what it is as it's been posted on here with lots of positive comments in the past.

    Do check the archives and you'll find much more positive feedback on those threads.:flowerforyou:

    Can you or the OP please clarify - What is the claimed effect of oil pulling, other than the dental stuff? Or is this just about the dental stuff?
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Do check the archives and you'll find much more positive feedback on those threads.:flowerforyou:

    The website claims the curing of:
    -migraine headaches
    -diseased teeth
    -arterio thrombosis
    -chronic blood disorders such as leukemia
    -arthritis and related illnesses
    -neuro physiological paralysis
    -gastro enteritis
    -heart disease
    -kidney disease
    -women’s hormonal disorders

    Through the action of swishing vegetable oil around in your mouth...

    Some degree of healthy skepticism is, IMO, demanded here.

    Edit: Actually there's more! http://oilpulling.com/diseasescured.htm

    In their defense - at least they don't suggest using crude oil "because it is natural".
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Do check the archives and you'll find much more positive feedback on those threads.:flowerforyou:

    The website claims the curing of:
    -migraine headaches
    -diseased teeth
    -arterio thrombosis
    -chronic blood disorders such as leukemia
    -arthritis and related illnesses
    -neuro physiological paralysis
    -gastro enteritis
    -heart disease
    -kidney disease
    -women’s hormonal disorders

    Through the action of swishing vegetable oil around in your mouth...

    Some degree of healthy skepticism is, IMO, demanded here.

    No, actually you know what? Some degree of healthy ridicule is demanded here. :laugh:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I cannot quit watching that woman with the neti pot. It's freaky.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I cannot quit watching that woman with the neti pot. It's freaky.

    Having a creepy blank stare while neti potting is an essential step in the process.

    I have a neti, but I don't do it as often as I should. I only get the urge to do it when I get congested from being sick, which isn't the best time to do it because it's easy to get water trapped in your inner ear, and when that happens that **** HURTS! <-- more than you ever wanted to know about me and my neti pot.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Yeah, ummm, it doesn't get white because of any toxins, it gets white because the swishing emulsifiers it.

    This ^^^^ If you don't know what that means, look up how to make homemade mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce, both of which are preferable to spitoilaise.
  • turkeywings
    turkeywings Posts: 20 Member
    I've read about the oil pulling and didn't really think I could ever do it. Oil swishing around my mouth? No thanks. It seems to have the same claims as those sticky pads they used to have on infomercials.. you put them on your feet to "suck out the toxins." I'm not sure how it could really work.

    The neti pot on the other hand is a lifesaver for sinus infections. Be sure to read the instructions though, and boil your water first or get distilled water. It takes a little getting used to for sure but it works great. (I have the squirt bottle version)
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Aren't the joke threads supposed to go in chit chat?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    From WikiPedia I get the impression it's a traditional, Indian method of cleaning your teeth, which shows some evidence of actually working for those purposes. Otherwise, sounds like so much snake oil (but cheaper, because the oil's probably in your kitchen already!).
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    :huh: Who has time to spend 20 minutes a day swishing oil around in their mouth? Gross. I'd rather spend that time at the gym.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Just think about it logically for a minute. How is swishing an oily substance around your mouth going to cleanse you? Can your body really suck all the bad stuff out of your body through your tongue and cheek walls?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Yeah, ummm, it doesn't get white because of any toxins, it gets white because the swishing emulsifiers it.

    This ^^^^ If you don't know what that means, look up how to make homemade mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce, both of which are preferable to spitoilaise.


    I have heard of oil pulling, previously looked into it, didn't do it as it has been well and truly debunked. The oil goes white due to emulsification, giving the impression that some kind of demon 'toxins' are being drawn out of your mouth/gums. Want healthy teeth? Brush, floss and gargle with mouthwash.

    As for neti pots, I have a lot of problems with allergies and asthma (including meds to stop post-nasal drip. Nice!) and was advised to do nasal rinsing by the asthma nurse I see. I struggled with neti pots so use a NeilMed sinus rinse instead (make sure you use warm water and the sachets of salt they come with otherwise you feel like you've been punched in the face). Amazing what gunk comes out! Also great for preventing colds - if I've been near anyone who is ill, when I get home I have a rinse to flush out any lurking bugs.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm immediately skeptical of anything that mentions toxins. Also anything that claims to cure multiple unrelated medical conditions.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Just think about it logically for a minute. How is swishing an oily substance around your mouth going to cleanse you? Can your body really suck all the bad stuff out of your body through your tongue and cheek walls?

    I'm also curious about this. How, biologically, is this supposed to work?
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Seems pretty pointless, and kinda gross. No thank you.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    It's an ancient Indian method. Honestly some of you people should read up on something before commenting on how it's a fad like the Master Cleanse. :noway: And some people act like they are the top scientists or doctors in the world when responding in these kinds of threads - who makes you the health professional all of a sudden? :laugh:

    I've heard amazing things about this method. It cleared up a girl's skin that I know really well. I strongly believe in many ancient health methods. Our ancestors knew a lot more than we give them credit for.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It's an ancient Indian method. Honestly some of you people should read up on something before commenting on how it's a fad like the Master Cleanse. :noway: And some people act like they are the top scientists or doctors in the world when responding in these kinds of threads - who makes you the health professional all of a sudden? :laugh:

    I've heard amazing things about this method. It cleared up a girl's skin that I know really well. I strongly believe in many ancient health methods. Our ancestors knew a lot more than we give them credit for.

    I'm convinced, sign me up.

    Does it involve baby oil and a lot of pulling?

    Happy endings?
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I tried it for like, two days. But I just couldn't.

    Its oil. In my mouth. And all that swishing made my jaw hurt :frown:

    I suppose you have to do it for a few weeks to get the benefits.

    I think it's pretty interesting and I can't see how it could really be bad or harmful. But I'm pretty open to trying weird stuff like that.


    The neti pot? That's supposed to be good for allergies. A doctor recommended it to me because I get them really really bad. I keep meaning to but I've procrastinated on it..lol.

    A neti pot... as weird as it is to use.. is incredbily helpful! Great for allergies, sinus issues, etc.